What’s in my Fridge & Freezer!

What’s in my Fridge & Freezer!

I’ve had so many questions asking to see what’s typically in my fridge (& freezer!) so here you are!! I buy for 2 people and usually shop once or twice a week. My aim is to go 100% online shopping but for now I call into Morrisons or Asda (usually!) on my way home from work with my shopping list in hand (just in case you are interested!!).

I really hope you my mini kitchen tour video – do let me know if you would like a tour of my kitchen cupboards!!


P.S Given the recent ‘talk’ about butter & saturated fat, check out my latest blog post about heart health (point number 6!).



Links that you may find useful!

Almond Milk Smoothie Recipes

Greek Yoghurt Recipes

Healthy Chocolate Mousse (made with avocado!)

Chicken stuffed with Mozzarella, wrapped in Parma Ham Recipe

Egg Recipes

Salmon with Greek Yoghurt & Ryvita Recipe

Prawn & Courgette Stir Fry

Latest Video on Healthy Lunches (including a Salad Recipe!)

Cauliflower Pizza Recipe

Superfood Salad Recipe

Kale Crisps Recipe

Frozen Banana, Nut Butter & Chocolate Recipe


Thank you so much for watching! What do you always have in your fridge or freezer?!

You can see more of my videos [here]!


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