What’s in my (new) Fridge & Freezer!

What’s in my (new) Fridge & Freezer!

Hello! So this week I thought I’d show you an updated “what’s in my fridge & freezer video” (check out my original what’s in my fridge & freezer blog post to see my old fridge!).


To give you a bit of a background into my personal ‘eating habits/philosophy’; I promote all foods to be eaten in moderation as a part of a healthy balanced diet, I believe that variety is the spice of life and that foods cannot be classed as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ (but you can get good and bad diets!) and I promote healthy lifestyles as a way of life, rather than fad/short-term diets. This means that yes I eat chocolate and biscuits and cake, but not every day, and I do so guilt-free (I follow the 80/20 rule where I try to eat healthily i.e. eating whole/unprocessed foods for the majority of the time). I’m not vegetarian but do like to include at least one meat-free day a week and my breakfast and lunches do tend to be vegetarian. I include oily fish in my diet weekly. So that’s just a little insight into my eating habits – I’m not perfect and post these types of blog posts not to preach but to inspire and hope that you may find some new foods that you want to try too!!


I really hope you find my video tour interesting and do give it a thumbs up if you want to see a “what’s in my cupboards video” too! Or even a kitchen tour (do leave me a comment letting me know what you want to see!). Thank you for watching 🙂


P.S For information about where you should store food in your fridge (please don’t use mine as an example!), check out the FSA website.






What's in my Fridge

What's in my Fridge



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