Homemade Almond & Soya Milk.. My Soyabella Review

Homemade Almond & Soya Milk.. My Soyabella Review

If you love almond or soya milk and want to make it the easy way (minus the messy and time consuming ‘cheese cloth’ method!) at home, then this product review of the Soyabella (and this video!) is for you.

When it comes to nut milks I love them because I think they taste amazing and they’re often lower in calories in comparison to other milks. I personally use them in smoothies, protein shakesporridge or overnight oats and also in baking. Nut milks are 100% plant based (and so are vegetarian and vegan), are packed with vitamin E which is great for skin health, and are dairy and lactose free for those who require it.

If you buy nut milk or soya milk from a supermarket I would always go for the unsweetened version (i.e. no added sugar), but if you want a nut milk that is 100% natural and made from just two ingredients i.e. water and nuts, with your own added flavours if you want, then making it at home could be for you!


Homemade Almond & Soya Milk


As shown in the video below, to make almond milk all you need to do is get a measuring cup of almonds (around 90g) – I used blanched almonds a) because they were cheaper and b) because I’ve heard that they make a creamier milk, and soak them overnight or for at least 4 hours – this again makes a much more creamier milk.

Once the almonds have soaked simply drain them and add them to the milk screen (the metal cylinder) and then attach it to the head unit of the Soyabella. Fill the steel chamber with just over a litre of water (in-between the upper and lower water lines) and then pop the head unit back on.

To make nut milk simply switch on the Soyabella and press the “mill” button which grinds the nuts and strains the pulp (ground nuts) from the milk. Milling takes 10 seconds and you want to repeat this 3 to 5 times – the more times you press “mill” the thicker the milk will be!

Once it’s finished milling you just remove the head unit and pour your delicious almond milk out! You can then choose to blend your milk with a pinch of salt and vanilla for a subtle flavour or if you want to sweeten it simply blend it with some dates, honey or maple syrup. You could even make a chocolate version by adding cocoa – the options are endless!

Store the milk in an airtight container (I use a Kilner bottle or a Kilner jar) for 5 days and give it a shake before drinking – you may get some separation as there are no preservatives in this milk!


P.S You can use the almond meal (the pulp!) that’s left behind to make almond flour by drying it out in the oven at a low temperature or in a dehydrator for a few hours and you can then use it in baking, in smoothies, on porridge or just as a snack!



Soya milk is a ‘complete protein’ which means is contains all of the essential amino acids that we need. It contains the fatty acid omega 3 as well as folate, vitamin E and copper, and is low GI, which means that it releases it’s energy slowly! Soya foods are a great source of isoflavones which possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant effects to keep us healthy.

To make soya milk simply soak 1 measuring cup of soya beans over night, add them to the milk screen (just like the almonds), and into 1 litre of water in the steel chamber unit. Then instead of pressing the “mill” button you press the “milk” button, which causes the unit to heat gently and create fresh soy milk in 15 minutes without you doing anything! Genius!

You can then flavour it exactly how you like with a sweetener or vanilla or just leave it plain!


Homemade Soya Milk


  • What else can the Soyabella do?

You can also make soups and porridge in the Soyabella (these are next on my list!), as well as grind coffee, nuts or seeds! And you can get the tofu making kit too which you make using your soy milk.. ideal for vegans!


  • Where can you get a Soyabella from?

You can get the Soyabella from Tribest.


I really hope you’ve found this product review useful!

I would love to know if you have a Soyabella or if you are planning on getting one – Just leave me a comment below, I always reply!



*I was provided with a sample Soyabella to review. All words are my own and are 100% honest. This blog post contains affiliate links. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.


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  1. April 20, 2015 / 8:51 pm

    Hi! Did you have issues with the almond milk coming out a little grainy to start with? Any advice would be great – thanks!

    • April 21, 2015 / 5:48 pm

      Hello! No I didn’t .. hummm, check that the filter (metal thing!) isn’t clogged & you’re not overfilling it? Did you used blanched almonds? x

  2. kellyjo walters
    June 1, 2015 / 7:05 pm

    I’ve wanted one of these for years, I’ll definitely get one this year as I love fresh coconut milk and I want to make that

  3. Emma
    August 2, 2015 / 8:31 pm

    Hi nic! Absolutely love your page ! I know it’s a habit I need to get out of but at the moment I find it hard to eat a. Meal without knowing the calories. I would love to make nut milk and was wondering do you know how you would go about calculating them as a lot of pulp is left ? Thanks a mill

    • August 3, 2015 / 3:17 pm

      Hello! I would use Alpro unsweetened almond drink for calorie stats … but I would try to feel more relaxed around food/drink at the same time. Life is for living, not for counting calories, and don’t forget that. Hope you’re ok xx

      • Emma
        August 3, 2015 / 4:48 pm

        Thanks so much ! Just want to let you know I adore your page and your a very big help to me

  4. Adele
    February 29, 2016 / 6:02 pm

    Hi Nic, I’m struggling with adult acne and have heard that cutting out cows milk will help, so I’ve started using Alpro Soya Milk, but I’ve also heard that this isn’t good for you. Can you recommend what milk is best to drink please as I am so confused with it all.


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