Staying Healthy at Christmas

Staying Healthy at Christmas

Christmas is a good time for a foodie, but perhaps not such a good time for our waist lines!


The problem isn’t often Christmas Day itself.. it’s the many days (parties!) that come before it and the leftover food and chocolate (as well as more parties with family and friends for Boxing Day and New Year) that come after it!


So to help you to enjoy Christmas whilst stopping your weight from ballooning & falling completely off the healthy bandwagon, here are my top 5 “damage limitation” tips..


Rememeber.. think damage limitation NOT deprivation!



  • Tip 1) Out of Sight, Out of Mind – Keep the chocolates, sweets and mince pies out of sight until it’s the big day or a designated snack time. Otherwise you may be tempted to eat them ‘just because they are there’. Keep them stored away so that you don’t fall into the ‘see food diet’ ;). Remember, eat what you truly love, not just because ‘”it’s there” (spend your calories wisely!).


  • Tip 2) Keep Healthy Festive Treats to Hand  Snacks such as satsumas and chestnuts won’t break the calorie bank balance and neither will a small handful of dried fruit or unsalted nuts. Lean protein such as turkey or meat-free alternatives are also a healthy option to nibble on as protein helps you to feel fuller for longer. These foods will not only satisfy your ‘nibble craving’ but they will help to nourish your body too!


  • Tip 3) Feast on Veggies & go Meat-Free – Fill 1/3-1/2 of your plate with veggies BEFORE choosing the rest of your dinner. For a leaner protein choice go for the white turkey breast (minus the skin!) or a meat-alternative which is often lower in calories – I LOVE their festive cocktail sausages and turkey slices! And if you’re after inspiration of how to use up any leftover Brussels Sprouts then check out this recipe for Quorn Bubble & Squeak!


  • Tip 4) Limit Alcoholic Drinks – Plan how much you want to drink (if at all) before you start and alternate alcoholic drinks with water/no added sugar soft drinks. Be mindful that the alcohol may still be in your system the next day if you’re planning on driving anywhere! For more hangover tips as well as a healthy juice recipe for the morning after the night before check out [this blog post].


  • Tip 5) Don’t Feel Guilty – I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again – NEVER FEEL GUILTY about the food that you eat. If you do over indulge, don’t let this dictate how you eat for the rest of the day, weekend or week (either binging again because ‘you’ve blown it’ or starving yourself). The next day just get back on track.. one or two days of overeating WILL NOT MAKE YOU FAT!!


I hope you’re looking forward to Christmas as much as me.. have a good one!!!

Quorn Christmas Meal


P.S. if you want more detailed weight-friendly festive tips (as well as what to do at work and parties) then check out [this blog post]!


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  1. December 2, 2015 / 1:37 pm

    Loving your tips Nicola, definitely worth following these to have a healthier Christmas..

      • December 4, 2015 / 8:23 am

        I am great! 🙂 Have realised I spelt your name wrong, sorry about that!

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