Hello! So, as you can probably tell by the title of this blog post, this is my 2013 CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY!! I wanted to do an extra special giveaway this year as yesterday (Dec 11th) I reached an amazing 10,000 followers on twitter! I still can’t believe it.
This giveaway is my way of saying a massive “thank you” to everyone who reads my blog, for your support. I appreciate every single comment that is left on my recipes/posts, Tweet that is sent to me and Facebook comment – it really makes my day to hear how many of you appreciate and enjoy my blogs and recipes and it really does spur me on to keep on blogging!
There’s going to be three winners for this giveaway, via a first, second and third prize, plus five runners up. All of the prizes have been donated, so a massive thank you to all of the companies who contributed. As a little disclaimer, just because I am giving these products away doesn’t mean that I endorse them or promote them above other products that I am not giving away – it just means that I have been impressed with their taste/nutritional profile over the last year and wanted to give YOU the chance to try them too!
SO, on to the best part.. the prizes (and how to enter!)..
- First Prize: Higher Living tea selection, a month’s supply of Total Greek Yoghurt (full prize not pictured), a Belvita Breakfast Biscuit hamper with fruit (full prize not pictured), Nairn’s Chocolate Oatcakes, Nakd Bits, Popchips, Metcalfe’s Skinny Topcorn (cinnamon), a month’s supply of Ohso Probiotic Chocolate Bars, a selection of Yu Snacks, Lizi’s Granola, Orgran Gluten Free Pasta & Pancake Mix, Sativa Viva High Pro goodies, two 9 bar selection boxes, Crazy Jack Apricots, Choc Shot, Alpro Desserts, a Mustard Silicone I Heart Cake Mould, Eat Water pasta/rice, MaxiNutrition Protein Milk, a Frank Bar selection box (prize not pictured), a Raw Chocolate Pie Cacao Nib Grinder (prize not pictured) and a PPB Bundle of chocolate, stevia & original flavour.. PPB is powdered peanut butter.. the new UK version of PB2 (prize not pictured)!…
- Second Prize: Higher Living tea, Nairn’s Oatcakes, Nakd Bits, Popchips, Metcalfe’s Skinny Topcorn, a month’s supply of Ohso Probiotic Chocolate Bars, Yu Snacks, Sativa Viva High Pro goodies, two 9bar selection boxes, Choc Shot, Alpro Desserts, Mustard Silicone cake mould, Eat Water pasta, MaxiNutrition Protein Milk and a PPB Bundle of chocolate, stevia & original flavour (prize not pictured)…
- Third Prize: Higher Living tea, Nairn’s Oatcakes, Nakd Bits, Popchips, Metcalfe’s Skinny Topcorn, a week’s supply of Ohso Probiotic Chocolate Bars, Yu Snacks, Sativa Viva High Pro goodies, 9bar selection, Choc Shot, Alpro Desserts, Eat Water rice, MaxiNutrition Protein Milk and a PPB Bundle of chocolate, stevia & original flavour (prize not pictured)…
- 5 RUNNERS UP will also receive their own PPB (powdered peanut butter) bundle of chocolate, original & stevia…
To enter this giveaway all you have to do is:
1) Leave a comment on this blog telling me your favourite food to eat at Christmas time (mine is roasted chestnuts!).
2) Register your entry in the widget below – using either your email address or Facebook login.
You can follow instructions within the widget for additional entries too!
This giveaway will stay open for 3 weeks (11th Dec – Jan 1st) and the winner will be announced within the widget, as well as on social media and in my weekly newsletter the day after it closes (Jan 2nd).
Due to postal reasons this giveaway is open to UK residents only (I’m really sorry!).
Thank you again for all of your support, and good luck!!
*Please read my disclaimer page for my giveaway policy.
My favourite foods at Christmas are prawn rings! Great giveaway Nic!
Nuts of any kind all day 🙂
Just love sliced Brussels sprouts sautéed with chestnuts and little crispy bacon
My fav food over christmas coffee cream 🙂
My favourite thing is to bake and eat ginger bread men – I even baked wear free ones for my work friend! Yum yum!!
I love roasted chestnuts and cranberry sauce at christmas! but not together though! 😉
Wowee Amazing give away!!! My favourites are cranberry pate w/oat cakes & mince pies with cream!!!! Mmm
My favourite food at Xmas is !!! It’s so hard to pick one, ok got to be cheese’s lots of different kinds
My new favourite Christmas treat is Soreen Festive Loaf!
My favourite foods at Christmas time have got to be my Nonna’s homemade Christmas pudding… Such a treat! Mmmm!!
My favourite food at Christmas is homemade fruit cake! Mmmm
Tthats delicious! Mine is turkey
What an amazing giveaway. Favourite for me has to sprouts, or anything gingerbread or mince pie flavoured nom!
My favourite food to eat at Christmas is Wensleydale Cheese with Cranberries. I avoid cheese all year and have it instead of dessert at Christmas!
the best part of xmas dinner is dessert !! I make a ginger custard mousse cake every year!! yummm
Yummers! Sounds amaze!
I love Eating at Christmas, to many to list ha! But anything my family and I cook togeather has to be the best! Us all in the kitchen getting in each other’s way stealing ingredients/appliances having fun! Best way x
My favourite Christmas food is pigs in blankets washed down with lots of champagne! x
My favourite part of xmas day is dessert, every year I make a ginger custard mousse cake yumm!
Mines mushy peas 🙂 A very special family tradition we have with our Christmas dinner! Yum!
My favourite food at Christmas is definitely christmas pudding, filled with lots of fruit and nuts and topped with brandy sauce 😉
My favourite food at Christmas are sprouts with panchetta!
I’m ashamed to say my favourite Christmas food is Celebrations….and lots of them!!! Somehow a Mars bar is so much better if it is so teeny can be held between your finger and thumb. Good job I’m training for the London Marathon eh?! Have a fab Christmas Nic xx
Thank you 🙂 x
What a great selection in the festive giveaway 🙂 Favourite Christmas food has to be piggies in blankets or mums homemade trifle. Have a great Christmas x
Thanks Sarah!
My favourite food at Christmas roast turkey 🙂
Oh my what a treat for the winners. Congrats again for hitting 10,000 followers. Awesome giveaway Nic. My favourite thing to eat at Christmas time is pigs in blankets that’s the only time I’ll eat sausages and bacon so it’s a treat.
Love Brussels sprouts!
What a giveaway!
Favourite to eat over the Christmas period? I think it has to be…
My Christmassy fruit compote!
I stew (till soft) blackberries, plums, strawberries, pears & apples in some orange juice. Then I spice it with a ground nutmeg, cinnamon & cloves mix, and sweeten (to taste) with agave nectar or brown sugar. I store it in the fridge & eat it on oatcakes, in porridge, in Greek yogurt , or even on vanilla ice cream (if I’m being naughty). Can be eaten hot or left to cool.
That sounds amazing!!
It’s wonderful! x
My favourite is just any desserts! Yum!
I’ve been really looking forward to this give away Nic!!
My favourite food at Christmas time, so hard to choose, love all food at Christmas time ..however hot mince pies with a bit of cream go down very nicely in my house hold
Fab giveaway Nic, congrats on getting to 10,000 followers, you deserve it. My favourite Christmas food has to be Boxing Day cold turkey and stuffing sandwiches!
I love turkey and cranberry sauce. On the day, in sandwiches before and after Christmas – actually any time of year!!!
My favourite thing to eat at Christmas is the big Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, yummy 🙂 I also love a glass of baileys on ice, proper festive drink x
My favourite food to eat at Christmas is the turkey! Or maybe jingle bell soup (courgette and carrot, a classic on Chrimbo day!)
I love roast potatoes and sage and onion stuffing, but my favourite Christmas food has to be brussel sprouts! I like to fry mine with a little chilli to make them a bit more interesting. I also love them in veggie lasagna- a sprout layer then garlic mushrooms with the pasta and white sauce. Not forgetting plenty of cheese since it’s Christmas!
My fave food at christmas is roast parsnips and cranberry sauce! Mmm.. x
My favourite food is the vegetable soup I make from all of the vegetable peelings for Christmas Dinner. Always makes such a warming soup for boxing day <3 It isn't what is under your tree or on your table that is important but those that are around it 🙂
Merry Christmas Nic x
my favourite Christmas food has to be the dessert since this is what I am in charge of! 😀 I always make a homemade apple and blackberry pie, freshly picked from our apple trees and blackberries from the fields by our house in the lake district. I have also attempted my first ever christmas pudding this year, even though my dad and granddad are the only ones who like them! Mince pies are another speciality of mine, wit dollop of almond frangipane in the middle as a nutty surprise 😀 if you cant enjoy puddings at christmas time there is no point!
What a great giveaway, congrats on reaching 10,000 followers! My favourite thing to eat at Christmas is definitely candy canes off the tree. I like the traditional minty ones, but you can’t go wrong with the fruity flavours. It’s the one time of year, apart from Easter, where you can indulge in a sweet treats without feeling guilty!
Thank you! xx
I love brussel sprouts at Christmas! They are so underated!!!! 🙂
My favourite food at Xmas is stuffing
with bacon and chestnut.
As a vegetarian my Christmas choice is a bit more limited but a good homemade (vegetarian) mince pie takes some beating, or panetone or some nice chocolate (even better if it is nice-good-for-you chocolate!). Awesome prizes – you spoil us!
I’m Australian so my favourite Christmas food is prawns!
My favourite Xmas food has to be mince pies (with a nice glass of mulled wine!) 🙂
Smoked salmon with Dads homemade bread on boxing day!!
Mine has to be pistachios…love them!!
Boxing Day left overs are fabulous!! Best bit of Christmas!!
Merry Xmas everyone x
My favorite food to eat has to be left over turkey sandwiches with cranberry sauce on boxing day!
my favourite food at christmas is just the insane amounts of chocolate that it is acceptable to eat!
Ooo such a hard one- But if I had to pick one then my favourite food to eat at Christmas is the bubble & squeak made with leftover Christmas dinner veggies on Boxing Day 🙂
My favourite is the gammon joint my mum cooks on christmas eve! yum!
Sprouts with bacon
My favourite food at Christmas is roasted sprouts!
It’s got to be brussels sprouts with bacon and chestnuts!
Christmas dinner leftovers in a sandwich 🙂
You simply cannot beat MINCE PIES WITH BRANDY BUTTER. I don’t know how I haven’t had one yet!! Xxx
My favourite food has to be buttery bacon brussel sprouts! Yum yum yum x x
My favourite part of the Christmas food has to be the different selection of meat thats always on offer! Turkey, Gammon, Chicken, Beef, Lamb and pork are always on the menu!
Chestnuts roasted straight on the fire are my favourite thing to have at Christmas x
My favourite christmas food is Definatly the fact it’s acceptable to have chocolate for breakfast! Love sprouts with pancetta on my Xmas dinner too! Xx
It just has to be the turkey!! It wouldn’t be Christmas without it! Even better that as it’s low fat it still fits in with my healthy eating plan
Warm Mince pies with brandy butter. Soooo indulgent and utterly yummy xxx
What a great prize! My favourite food at Christmas has got to be turkey and stuffing sandwiches on Boxing Day! x
Congrats on the 10k! My favourite Christmas food is my homemade chocolate fudge. I started making it a few years back and now it’s become a tradition in our house. My little boy will be helping me this year too! I make loads and gift it to relatives and colleagues. It’s not very healthy at all, but a little bit goes a long way, so it’s not too bad!
My favourite thing at Christmas is Lebkuchen- which is a German Christmas biscuit! My mum alway got them so it’s like a childhood memory! Now I bake my own 😀 fantastic giveaway! Hope you have a great Christmas! xx
My favourite food is mince pies, traditional and christmasy x
My favourite Christmas treat is mince pies!
My fav food at xmas is mulled wine! Ok, that’s not exactly a food lol but I love it! 🙂 x
Mine is the typical Christmas dinner, but with sweet potato instead of typical roasties, sooooo good! Congrats on 10K Nic! 😀 xxx
My favourite Christmas food has to be Christmas cake! The fruitier the better! Not too much marzipan & icing, just a bit. Yum!!!!
I love the turkey with gravy. Congrats!
My favourite food at christmas has to be all the veggies but i do love having the excuse to indulge in a little chocolate 😉 x
My brother in law makes a root veg mash. It’s insane and I love it. I have no idea whats in it but I have had it every Christmas for the past 14 years!!
My favorite food at Christmas time has to be all to lovely nuts around (especially the roasted chestnuts like Nic) – yummy and high in protein!!!!! I enjoy indulging in the nuts hidden in the beautifully and colourfully wrapped choccies – naughty but nice!
Brussel sprouts!
Mine has to be smoked salmon… We eat it with eggs and toast on xmas morning and just one of those family traditions i love x
My favourite food to eat at Christmas time is water chestnuts wrapped in bacon – my Mum always made them as Christmas party nibbles. Delicious. I also love a cheeky bit of stollen and a glass of mulled wine (nothing wrong with the occasional festive treat!).
Congratulations on so many followers. Keep up the good work – you’ve really helped me!
I will do 🙂 Thanks Olivia!
Has to be the turkey with the family
Good ol’ Christmas pud! I love all the dried fruit 🙂 And it’s only once a year. To be honest, the whole meal is a scrummy treat! Congrats on 10k 🙂 x
I love turkey with homemade apple sauce and nuts in there shells, love sitting cracking them open
Dark chocolate and toasted almond biscotti, with the biscuit base mainly ground almonds. Smells like Christmas when it’s in the oven and tastes even better!
My favourite is all the Christmas dinner left overs made into a Christmas omelette
Wow so much stuff. I love mince pies and cheese with cranberries x
My favourite thing to eat at Christmas time is home made sticky toffee pudding with LOTS of cream!!! Xx
Mine has to be pigs in blankets!!!! Or left over turkey sandwiches on christmas night xxx
This giveaway is exactly what I need! Been tuning in the past few weeks to enter it, and I will be everyday until it’s over!! I love it because I would use everything in it and I would be getting all of those things anyways so who doesn’t love saving at this time of the year!! Love you recipes!! Love the fact that you explain the complicated things, I know what things are and why they’re used, also the fact that you post other peoples’ photos of your recipes!
Aw thanks Emily – that’s so nice to hear 😀 xx
Oh and my favourite thing to eat is my mother’s honey roasted ham, she has perfected it throughout the years!
My favourite thing to eat at christmas is cold meats and mash! Hmmm xx
Wow such amazing prizes! I’ve been so excited for this giveaway! My favourite food at christmas has to be parsnips glazed with honey, my favourite vegetable 🙂 X
My grandmas homemade christmas cake cannot be beaten! She makes it 2 months early to get all moist and it taunts me til Xmas day but it’s soooooo worth the wait!
Mmmm chocolate Brazils xx
Christmas pudding is the best!! So stodgy and sweet such a treat!
My favourite but not the healthiest food at Christmas is a Chocolate Orange ! When my Grandma died my mum took over the tradition of all the children having one. Happy memories ❤
The prizes look amazing!
Ferrero rochers… The ultimate Christmas indulgence 🙂 yummyyyyyy!
What an amazing (yummy) prize!!
Such a tough question – Christmas is my time of year to indulge (although I try to still keep up my gym workouts!). I think my absolute favourite has to be gorgeous smoked salmon and king prawns as a starter on Christmas Day. It’s so fresh and doesn’t bloat you before the main event!
my homemade spelt mince pies – yummy!!
Pigs in blankets! Naughty so I only have them at Xmas & always look forward to them x
What a fantastic giveaway! Congratulations on reaching 10,000 followers, I only started following your blog a few months ago but have been finding it to be soo helpful.
Sharon x
Thanks Sharon! Glad to help everyone 🙂 xx
My favourite food at Christmas is the home made mince pies delicious light and very festive they taste even better as they are made with my grandson and baked with love.
Great give-aways! Hard to choose a favourite, but Christmas wouldn’t be the same without delicious fresh fruit salad and double cream, a family tradition for Christmas breakfast in our family. Yum
Brussel sprouts rock! They are my fav Christmas food and even better out in a healthy juice
Honey Roasted Carrots and Parsnips!
My favourite food to eat at christmas time is granary bread with proper butter and smoked salmon for breakfast on christmas morning! Yum!
Amazing giveaway!
My fave Christmas food? So tough to choose, but I do ADORE pigs in blankets. And sausage rolls. And pickled onions. And……….and………!
My favourite food to eat at Christmas is sage and onion stuffing. Oh and Brussel sprouts! Yum!
My favourite food is pork, placed in the oven on Xmas Eve on a low heat. Coming down the stairs on Xmas Day and smelling the slow roasted meat is amazing. Either that or sprouts mixed with chestnuts.
My favourite food at Christmas is After Eights, not the healthiest! X
Oooh that’s a tough question. Something I only have on Christmas Day is my mums cranberry and water chestnut stuffing. It is delicious and the sweet/sour berries plus crunchy water chestnuts mean I have seconds and thirds!
my favourite food at Christmas time has be to Cauliflower Cheese !
I love Brussels sprouts at Christmas . Great giveaway & congrats on 10k followers on twitter! I love reading your blog!
Definitely has to be parmesan parsnips!
My favourite christmas treat is one of my homemade mince pies and a glass of mulled wine! This year the mince pies will be all gluten free and extra yummy!!
Such an amazing giveaway with lots of yummy treats! My favourite Xmas food is mince pies as I only realised a few years ago it wasn’t real mince meat, now I’m addicted! X
Christmas is my favourite time of year and is great for my sweet tooth!
I always look forward to a yummy Yule log which has to have white filling not chocolate!
Sprouts & roasted parsnips mmmm
Mashed swede and sticky roasted parsnips, yum! Oh and chocolate of course! Such an amazing bundle of prizes, fingers crossed x
At the grand old age of 22 I experienced my first roasted chestnut last week & that’s it, converted! Always a sucker for traditional mince pies and mulled wine however..! Merry Christmas x
My favourite thing to eat at Christmas is a home made turkey curry with the left over Turkey! Yum yum xxx
I love the turkey soup my Mum makes on boxing day, served with crusty bread. And a good Christmas buffet, and anything chocolatey.. I like it all basically!
Amazing giveaway and thank you for continuing to provide us with invaluable nutrition knowledge. My favourtie food to eat at Christmas has to be stolen cake!!! Merry Christmas x
Out of all the marvelous Christmas deliciousness I could choose from, my favorite has got to be roast turkey, cranberry and bread sauce sandwiches..in the mixed spice bread loafs that we always make on Christmas morning! x
Mince Pies!!
My favourite food at Christmas has to be the bacon from the top of the turkey!!! Loving the giveaway nic! Merry Christmas to all x
Pass on the mince pies.. it’s the brandy butter that I want, just give me a spoon and a bowl full of it.. I’m done.
My favourite Christmas food is lebkuchen biscuits! Husband make a batch of homemade ones this year which are amazing!
Home made mince pies with no sugar mincemeat and alpro single Creme
It’s got to be Mums Christmas Day tea! An array of yummy cold meats, salads, cheese and crackers, nuts, egg mayo… the list goes on and on!! It’s even worth missing Christmas lunch for! #nomnomnom
Congrats on reaching 10000 followers, you deserve the great following. My fave food to eat at Xmas is roasted veg. A mix of parsnip, sprouts and carrots, yummmmy!x
Cheese and biscuits! Nothing quite like taking your bra off on Christmas night and having half a nairn and loads of bits of stilton fall out.
Big Congrats on all your success! My favourite food at Christmas time is the sneaky croissant and glass of champers on Christmas morning, I look forward to it all month!
Although not food, Baileys is my favourite!
Scurly, a Scottish stuffing made with oatmeal and onions cooked with coconut oil 🙂
Oddly, my favourite Christmas food is….Sprouts! I think they’re marvelous 🙂
I love roast turkey with pigs in blankets yum yum my favourite
Favourite food is mushroom pierogi with beetroot soup (traditional Polish dish – the pierogi are baked, so similar to mini pasties). Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Lobster as an alternative to Turkey 🙂
I love medjool dates.
Newly discovered starter for Christmas is roasted figs stuffed with herby goats cheese and smoky bacon drizzled with cranberry balsamic dressing! It’s fantabulous!
Turkey Turkey Turkey. Can’t get enough of it!
satsumas if im being good, mince pies if im being naughty lol
My favourite food at Xmas is all the delicious meats – gammon, turkey, beef yum!
My favourite food at Christmas is pigs in blankets without a doubt
Black pepper and salted cashews, had them in German Christmas market off a stall last year! Yum
It’s got to be Stilton with a glass of Port… Heaven! Great giveaway, fingers crossed! x
My favourite food to eat at Christmas has to be bread sauce! 😀
Congratulations! My favourite food is naughty but nice gingerbread men! I make soft ones with my two little ones and we have fun both making them (very messy lol!) and eating them (can also be messy!) 🙂 xx
Hot home made mince pies, with a little bit of full fat cream. Because if you’re not allowed to treat yourself at Christmas, when can you?! Keep up the great work, Nic! ⛄️
Haha nice choice, thanks Andrew, will do!
My dad makes an amazing sage and onion sauce/stuffing! Great giveaway, it would make my Christmas to win any of these goodies!x
Oh and happy Christmas!x
Has to be roasted brussels with olive oile, garlic and thyme. miles better than boiled ones 🙂
Pigs in blankets with cranberry sauce… Yum!
Leftover turkey sandwiches with stuffing, pigs in blankets, bread sauce and a little bit of cranberry sauce…amazing!
My favourite food at Christmas is the turkey and onion saged stuffing
Wow what an awesome giveaway! And congrats on so many followers 🙂 my fave Christmas food is probably German spice biscuits or Lebkuchen – we always eat them watching Christmas movies!
I must confess to loving everything christmas! love fruit cake, christmas pudding & mince pies, cheese, mulled wine 🙂
My favourite is prawn cocktail at Christmas
Smoked salmon and blinis for breakfast 🙂
Probably my mums homemade fudge, or ice cream pie, or roasted chestnuts….. Just too many to decide!
My favourite used to be pigs in blankets but since becoming vegetarian my new alternative that I love to have at Christmas are quorn cocktail sausages. I also love mulled wine at Christmas (although not a food:))
Who doesn’t love roasted vegtables? Especially parsnip and carrots!!
I love marzipan stuffed dates and figs with a nut selection – honey roasted mmm!
I just love demolishing the homemade gingerbread house! Still a child at heart!
Favourite food to eat at Christmas is without a doubt chocolate log, mum has made it every year since I can remember and even now Christmas isn’t Christmas until the amazing chocolatey goodness is served after a massive Christmas dinner!
As well as fresh fruit salad and cream for Christmas day breakfast my other most favourite must be a big fry-up of all the left over veg on Boxing day -nothing quite as good as that for the rest of the year.
Boxing day leftovers…Boxing day soup and turkey sandwiches. Delicious
My favourite thing to have this time of year are cranberries or gingerbread biscuits 🙂
Congratulations on reaching over 10,000 twitter followers. You’re awesome keep doing what you are doing. xxxx
Aw thank you 🙂 I will, for sure !! xx
My favourite Christmas food is homemade Christmas pudding – all those giant juicy fruits and nuts are heavenly! Served with brandy cream or total Greek… Now I can’t wait for Christmas! *
My Mums Christmas lunch, Turkey with lots of roasted veggies and cranberry, lovely
Roasted sweet potatoes are one of my favourite things to have at Christmas!
My favourite Christmas food is my mum’s home made potato croquettes, yum yum! What a fab giveaway 🙂
My favourite Christmas food is my granny’s slow cooked juicy scottish cut of beef silverside, my dads herb-marinated meaty Iranian stuffed vine leaves (I know not very Christmassy) and my mums coffee enriched tiramisu!
Having lost over 5 stones since January you have inspired me so much this year nic and have been a constant support; ensuring I can continue my passion of cooking / baking but in a healthy way. If I was here for Christmas your recipes would have been made in abundance. For Christmas Eve a warm slice of your healthy banana bread with a spiced latte enjoyed after Christingle Service. For Christmas Day pre-church a scrummy bowl of overnight oats, crunchy homemade granola, quinoa porridge or 2 ingredient pancakes – served with your recommended greek yoghurt, fruits and peanut butter with a dash of cinammon and chia seed sprinkling. And for the main event one of your nutritious soups for starter, followed by silverside and vine leaves with ALL of the trimmings (cooked in 1 kcal spray of course). Finished off with your fab desserts and snacks that I’ve been accustomed to trying with your Sunday reminders such as carrot cake muffins and 3 ingredient cookies to name a few (in my Santa requested silicone baking equipment like yours)! And not forgetting Boxing Day leftovers – mixing it all together to create one of your meatloaf muffins!
Alas this year is all change. With the passing of my granny my sister and I decided to embark on a tour of Thailand for Christmas / New Year. So we will be enjoying the aromas and flavours of a very non-traditional Christmas in various Thailand locations! Of course there’ll be treats along our journey commencing on our flight via India (although I wonder if the food will be as healthy as your recent upload of your friend receiving some very nutritious inflight snacks?!), but as your motto says – everything in moderation – and enjoying ANY food with my family in the warmth of the festive (Thai) cheer is always my favourite type!
Thankyou for an inspirational 2013 nic; here’s to bringing back some inspiration from the array of food markets and restaurants I’ll be sure to experience across the ocean into your much anticipated recipes of 2014!
Congratulations on your Nic’s Nutrition blog! Oh – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (for when they come)!
awh, what a lovely message to read – thank you so so much 😀 xxx
My Favourite Christmas food is the prawns (barbecued). YUM! They go so well with the hot Australian day on Christmas 🙂
Baked camembert is always a winner! We ones to be shared between the couples in the family so aswell as being ridiculously tasty it has that aspect of Christmas togetherness! Perfect!
Christmas pudding!
I love Christmas, its my favourite time of year! Probably Christmas Dinner as I love a good roast and seem to only have turkey on Christmas Day (other than the left overs!) The best thing is sitting at the table with all my favourite people and celebrating together! Merry Christmas all and a Happy New Year!
All the little treats to nibble on! The yogurt/chocolate coated nuts, the nuts you have to crack open yourself, and we always have huge plates of dried figs and cranberries. They’re the best 🙂 happy Christmas!
It has to be the Boxing Day leftovers – cold meat, roast vegetables, bubble & squeak and chutneys followed by more Christmas pudding! Can’t wait!! Congrats on the milestone and here’s to the next year!! xx
My favourite Christmas food is fruit cake with Wensleydale cheese, a fabulous festive combination! I just wish that the cake could contribute to one of my 5- a- day…..!
Merry Christmas Nic and congratulations on your great blog!
It has to be my mums Christmas Cake! X
So hard to choose. Christmas Eve Salmon koulibac; On the day Smoked Salmon, or fried almonds or pan fried livers in balsamic; but maybe the freshness of the crispy shredded salad with leftovers on Boxing Day. raw sprouts, fennel, celeriac, carrot, spring onion, cucumber… The end of naughtiness.
Homemade Christmas cake.
Congratulations 10,000 followers is amazing
And my favourite Christmas food is the Lindt Christmas Snowmen!
My favourite Xmas food has to be mince pies nothing says Xmas more. Love making my own mincemeat with the help of the boys and trying and experimenting with the pastry. If I’m feeling extra naughty have one out of the oven with a little helping of brandy butter yummy!
Hmmm thats a tough question! I think I will have to say that my favourite food is definitely stuffing! The perfect mouthful = turkey and stuffing xxx
No doubt about it, for me, it’s all about the veg – steamed brussels sprouts, root veg sweet, dark and roasted and loads and loads of spiced red cabbage – bejewelled and christmassy!
Honey Roasted Peanuts
i love stollen
The best Christmas food for me has to be pigs in blankets. I just can’t get enough of them.
Oh what a choice! I think Christmas pudding with brandy butter has to be the best (just a small sliver though!!)
Definitely hot porrige with cinnamon, agave nectar, ground almonds and blueberries 🙂
Merry Christmas Nic!! xx
Oohh gorgeous 🙂 Thanks Amy, you too!!
A full on Christmas dinner 🙂
My favorite Christmas food is Brussels sprouts with boiled chestnuts nom nom
Has to be my grandmas mince pies, it’s just not Xmas without em.
Amazing give away Nic! My favourite Christmas food is Ainsleys crumble mince pies..which are no longer on the market! So this year I will try make my own…a mince pie but with a crumble top…warmed in the oven with cream…YUM! I am sure it will fit my macros some how hehe
Cukrovi … Traditional Czech Christmas cookies …. Made only at Christmas time, the best thing in the world 🙂
Oh, it has to be the veggies. Normally a mix of sprouts, chestnuts and romenesco – yum yum!
I hope I don’t get black listed for this……. Lindor chocolate balls filled with peanut butter, or a little more healthy M and S chilli baked salmon side.
Amazing giveaway! Fingers crosseD! 🙂 My favourite food to eat at Christmas is just the main Christmas dinner I think! So good! I also love my Granny’s mince pies, always delicious.
My favourite thing to eat at Christmas is Chocolate yule log and snowballs to drink! Great giveaway 🙂
My favourite thing to eat at Christmas is Yule log and snowballs to drink! Great giveaway 🙂
Got to be Christmas pudding 🙂
Big congrats on 10k!! Giveaway looks amazing too, lots of effort put into it! My favourite Christmas food has to be pigs in blankets! Or my Nan’s stuffed pork fillet, mmmm. Can’t beat a good glass of scholar either 🙂 xo
Hehe, I’ve been planning it for months (!!!) thanks Rach 🙂
My favourite food at Christmas is pine nuts , cranberries and goats cheese on bruschetta or cheese biscuits.
My favourite food at Christmas is pate on toast followed by Clottie pudding !!!
Another favourite is left over turkey with wholegrain mustard. Yum.
My absolute favourite thing is watching my childrens faces when the tree is up. That’s when the magic happens. I buy a big bag of toffees and thread cotton through the wrappers and hang them on the tree.
Congratulations on reaching 10,000 followers Nic! :-)… My favourite food at Christmas is my mums home baked currant slices – they are amazing!! X
Dates stuffed with nuts
My favourite thing to eat at Christmas are nuts, like walnuts and hazlenuts, that my family and I crack open ourselves!
Congrats on 10 000 followers, Nic – It won’t be long til you hit 100k I’m sure 🙂
Haha here’s hoping 😉 thank you! xx
My favourite thing to eat at Christmas is my moms homemade mince pies with Brandy cream!
Well Done Nic, you made it to 10,000 before Christmas 🙂
Is it wrong that I love all the food at Christmas, its got to be my favourite meal of the year. Turkey, veg, roast potatoes, pigs in blankets covered in gravy – yummy!
My favourite food at Christmas time is definitely mince pies! I’ve just baked some puff pastry mince pies so I’m looking forward to trying them.
Merry Christmas!
Becca x
It has to be the dessert.. a decent trifle… Any healthy version recipes?
My favourite food to eat at Christmas is definitely orange and lemon slices! What a treat 🙂 x
I just love all things shaped Christmassy (Stars, Xmastrees, Santas, Bells), somehow it just tastes better 🙂
Cranberry sauce
This giveaway sounds amazing! My favourite food to eat at Christmas time has to be the Yorkshire puddings my brother makes every year when the whole family is together at Xmas. It’s such a tradition now. He’s made them since he was 10 and he’s now 31!! :0)
Mince Pies! They symbolise everything christmassy!
My favourite Xmas ffod is the traditional British dinner, roast turkey with all the trimmings !
I love home made mince pies, gingerbread, and don’t forget the turkey sanswiches.
I love eating lychees at Christmas!
My favourite is bread sauce – the naughtiest!!!
Only eat it once a year though – 80/20!! Thanks Nic 🙂
My favorite food at Christmas is hot homemade cider or twice baked sweet potatoes 🙂 I didn’t know if a drink would count as a favorite food 😉
Thanks for the contest Nic!
Cheese! It’s an excuse to bring out the cheeseboard and oodles of Stilton.
And really, really well done on the followers! x
My favourite Christmas food is pigs in blankets
Stuffing!! 🙂
Yule log and snowballs! great giveaway 🙂
A Christmas tub of Mini Cheddars…the only time of year I eat them and do I go to town or what?! Great blog, great giveaway :).
My fav thing to eat at Christmas time is pecan pie! It’s the only time of the year that I allow myself to eat it!
Fav food at Christmas has to be mushy peas with the Christmas dinner a long standing tradition from my Yorkshire family which the southerners in my life just don’t get 🙂
So much yummy food its hard to choose …. HOWEVER my mum always treats us to this at Christmas (its too decadent for any other time of year ;D) Marks & Spencer toffee and pecan meringue roulade – IT IS INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!
I’m the weirdo of my family for this but I absolutely love sprouts and prawn cocktails. My family are the weirdos for not loving them! 😉
I love sweet potatoes with marshmallows! Yummmy! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
Wow Nic, what an amazing giveaway with so many cool prizes! Congrats to getting to 10k, fab achievement.
My favourite food has to be Christmas pudding – especially after watching it flame!
Thank you!! xx
My favourite has to be pigs in blankets!
My favourite food at Christmas is Mince Pies by a country mile!! I can’t get enough of them – just ask my waistline!! 😀
Hmmm…my favourite food is definitely cheese and biscuits! Mature cheddar or Wensleydale and cranberries with some chutney are my first choices. Great giveaway! Xx
My favourite food at Christmas is cheese and biscuits! The stronger the cheese the better 🙂
Congratulations on reaching 10k followers and what an amazing Christmas giveaway! 🙂
Realised I forgot to say what my favourite Christmas food is, mine would have to be smoked salmon! 🙂
Fantastic giveaway!! Ooh sooo many nice things I love to eat at Christmas… Wensleydale with cranberries on crackers, mince pies… But think it’s the full Christmas dinner with all the trimmings I love the best yummy!!!
Has to be mince pies! Especially home made ones!
My mum’s veggie lentil roast…yummmmmmmm! Xxx
For me it has to be Christmas lunch! Nothing too fancy, just roast turkey, with potatoes, some veg and pigs in blankets, followed by Christmas put! My favourite meal of the whole year 😀 x
Firstly, congratulations on reaching 10,000 followers. Great job. There is nothing better than a warm mince pie at Christmas time – absolutely perfect!!!!
My favourite food at Christmas is definitely my grandma’a homemade festive crumble! So delicious 🙂
My favourite food at christmas is vegetables!! No, really lol, my boyfriend won’t eat veg and rather than cooking two separate meals, I tend to go with his more unhealthy choices…. but when christmas comes around and there’s a table full of people wanting all the trimmings, I just pile up all the veg I can manage and eat a years’ worth in one go LOL!
christmas cake and christmas phd! I’m the only one that likes them, yay!!
Well done Nic! My favorite is definitely my Christmas Cake! It has been maturing and being fed full of brandy for weeks now! Merry Christmas! X
I have always loved pigs in blanket at Christmas.
My favourite Christmas food is stuffing! It’s the only time of year I ever eat it so is a special treat x
Hi Nic. Your prizes look fantastic, ive got my fingers crossed.
I have several favourite foods at Xmas but if I had to pick one….. it has to be the stuffing! Never have it unless its Xmas and it goes perfectly with a bit of turkey and cranberry sauce!
Keep the recipes coming!
My favourite foods at Christmas time are gammon, quality street and roasted parsnips! (Although not all together haha!).
My favourite foods at Christmas time are gammon, quality street and roasted parsnips! (Although not all together haha!) This is a fantastic giveaway, I’ll keep my fingers crossed!
Christmas means fighting over the stuffing portions and then finish the meal off with my aunt’s fruit pavlova, it is all excellent. One day of massive over indulgence!
Congratulations on 10,000 followers. My favourite Christmas food is smoked salmon. X
My favourite thing to eat is chocolate selection boxes because it’s the only time of the year I get them!
Has to be pigs in blankets…!
My favourite christmas food is brussel sprouts. I am legitimately obsessed with them! I will eat them by themselves, in a stiry fry, leftover! My healthy vitamin packed christmas treat!
My fave thing to eat at Christmas time is cheese and crackers with chutney!
Where I start…it has to be glazed ham…delicious on the day and tastes.eveb better as leftovers x
I love traditional Danish ris-a-la-mande. And I love my homemade curly kale stew 🙂
Congratulations on your followers!!! and a merry Christmas too 🙂 anyway, I am addicted to oranges (clemetines) at this time of year. and ginger fudge and anything gingerbread actually especially the homemade goodies xx
Thanks Victoria! I’m working on a gingerbread cookie recipe tomorrow actually 🙂 Look out for it! xx
What an amazing give away! Love all your recipes.
My favourite thing to eat at Christmas has to be the traditional mince pie.. With a little bit of creamy Lancashire cheese.. Yum!
Have a great Christmas and please keep up the great nutrition blogs, posts and recipes!
Aw thanks Catriona! I will do 🙂 Good luck! x
My favourite Christmas food is my Grans Chocolate log, it only happens once a year and never fails to be amazing! I also love the boxing day meal as you have all the leftovers from the big chritsmas dinner, plus more cheeses and other snack bits. SO GOOD!
My favourite xmas food is good old brussel sprouts but are family makes a great sherry stewberry trifle for pudding.xx
My fave food to eat over Chrimbo is choccies!!!! Choccies from the tree, from a selection box, from anywhere! I LOVE CHOCOLATE! Have a great chrimbo and new year babes!! Fingers crossed for LizFish1 to win!! xxx
Hahaha I love that 🙂 good luck!!
How could you not love eating the big Shepard’s pie every year made up from old leftovers, this year I made your salmon cakes and mom has me doing them for starters on Christmas morning!!
Wow what an amazing giveaway! Very kind 🙂
Ooooohhhh… i’m torn between roast potatoes/chocolate/yorkshire puddings.
I’m going with roast potatoes 😉
I love gammon as the Xmas eve staple, with the fat trimmed off as I prefer my meat that way! Also love quality street, and roasted parsnips 😀
So glad you’ve finally got 10,000 followers, I am doing a nutrition course at university at the moment and websites like yours will only help in the education of healthier food choice to make my future career easier!
Being the real foodie that I am I love everything on offer at the table from Traditional Turkey to the naughty sweet treats. My standout favourite would have to be our family friends boneless curried goat served in warm homemade roti bread washed down with a glass of fruit punch (a little taste of the caribbean) 🙂
It’s all about pate, sausage rolls and lovely sherry trifle
Just want to say thank you for such a great website!
Since becoming a paraplegic I have learnt that I have to pay much more attention to what I eat now.
Your recipes taste fab and are brilliant for helping me to maintain a healthy weight.
Ok, so onto the Christmas food…I know that it’s actually a drink but can’t beat a retro homemade snowball at Christmas time!
Thanks again Nic and keep up the good work!
Hi Lucy, thank you so much for your lovely comment. I’m so glad to have helped you 🙂 Love your entry!! I’m going to Google it now!! Good luck 🙂 xx
It’s all about the cheese and biscuits and as many jars of pickles that can fit on the table 🙂
Mince pies.. I KNOW they aren’t good for me, but it is only once a year….
Wensleydale cheese, a spicy chutney and oatcakes my perfect christmas day evening snack!
My favourite food to eat is stollen. I know I shouldn’t but it’s Christmas 🙂
Always a sucker for a mince pie (or six) at christmas!
I love having a mug of warm Baileys hot chocolate with my mom and sister on Christmas Eve after everyone goes to sleep.
I like pigs in blankets!
It’s a toss up between a home-made protein stollen / a sweet-potato fitness fritata!
It HAS to be the CHEESES!!! 🙂 xxx
You can’t beat a delicious homemade mince pie fresh out the oven at Christmas! Amazing giveaway – thank you, Nic! x
CONGRATULATIONS NIC!!! You have done amazingly well!!
Favourite xmas food for me has to be brussel sprouts – I adore them and will definitely be trying brussel sprout juice that I keep on hearing about that!
Aside from that prawn cocktail and chocolate covered brazil nuts!
Katrina x
Thanks Katrina! Love your choices 🙂 However think I’ll leave the brussel juice 😉 haha!! xx
I love making (and eating) homemade chocolate truffles… It’s become a christmas tradition
This is the perfect Christmassy food hamper!! I’m not a fan of traditional christmas pudding so I make a warm chocolate ‘bombe’ pudding instead! We will definitely be making your Greek yoghurt pancakes on Christmas morning, instead of our usual bacon sandwiches! Will top with chocolate Alpro yoghurt and berries again!
Definitely homemade chocolate truffles… it’s become a Christmas tradition.
My favorite Christmastime food is sugar cookies!
Nic, this giveaway is AMAZING! I love all Christmas foods, but my mums homemade cranberry sauce is my absolute FAVOURITE! she makes it with with fresh cranberries with a secret ingredient (that she still refuses to divulge!!) its just so delicious with turkey/ cold meats/ cheese and crackers…i can eat it by the spoonful! It wouldn’t be Christmas without it!
I love it too!! And Merry Xmas too!! xx
What a wonderful giveaway! My favourite christmas treats are anything chocolatey, ferrero rochers and roses always seem to make an appearance under the tree! Congrats on the 10k followers and here’s to the next 10k! 🙂 xx
Thank you!! I hope 🙂 xx
Mince pies
My fave food is the sherry trifle my partners mum gets from the local bakery every Christmas….only have it once a year and its amazing!
Merry xmas!! 🙂
My favorite are cracking Brazil walnut & cob nuts at Xmas . Thank you 🙂
I love mince pies and different cheeses and biscuits. I actually really just love having everyone round to help me eat it all
Fresh salmon on Xmas morning!
Mince Pies for me!
My favourite food at Christmas is just about all of it! 🙂 but especially pigs and blankets! yumm, and all the stuffing with the roast, even better!
Love your site, keep up the great work.
Clare x
Aw thank you Clare! Will do 🙂 x
Hi Nic,
What a giveaway! My favourite Christmas food is parmesan roasted parsnips, I only eat them at Christmas so look forward to them all year! x
Congratulations, here’s to the next 10,000! My favourite Christmas food are pigs in blankets. For some reason, we only ever have them at Christmas and I just think they’re amazing! Hope you have a lovely Chirstmas. xx
Thanks Victoria! Good luck 🙂 x
Amazing giveaway, I have only been following your blog for 6 months and
Your beat the sugar and christmas survival posts have bedn lifesavers!!!
Fav food at christmas has to be a few cheeky honey roasted parsnips 🙂
Aw thank you 🙂 so glad to help!! xx
I love to have roast turkey and all the yummy veggies 🙂 Great competition so exciting and well done on reaching 10,000 followers on twitter! I’m glad i found you on twitter as you have helped me over the years!
Homemade Christmas pudding! (although none match up the ones my nan used to make!)
Recently came across your blog and love it.
Merry Christmas x
My favourite Christmas food is Christmas dinner! I love all the bits that go together to make 1 special meal. Yum yum yum!
Merry Christmas to you and best wishes for 2014! xxx
Hi Nic!
Love fruit mince pies yum yum hope u have a fab Chrissy x
Mine favourite is Christmas pudding, can’t beat it! 🙂
hm, I am not really a festive and holiday loving person, also Latvian traditional Christmas foods don’t really appeal to me (hope I don’t sound snobbish), thus I would say that my favorite food, no, drink is tea – self picked forest strawberry and raspberry, different herbal ones, ginger etc. Tea makes me feel warm and I can snuggle with a cup of tea in bed and watch some series…
My favourite food at Christmas is my mum’s Christmas pudding with double cream. Nothing unusual, I just love all the mixed dried fruits, spices and overall combination of flavours, Christmas in a bowl 😛
The whole Christmas dinner 🙂
It’s only once a year!
This Christmas I am enjoying all the naughty as sweets before starting afresh in the new year following a lot of your recipes! X
That should say Xmas sweets not as sorry!
I love stuffing, not the healthiest but its yummy!
chicken and stuffing !!!!!!!!!!!! love the stuff
turkey or chicken or anything protein really 🙂
Advent calendar chocolates! <3 Brings me back to childhood; still get one every year now 🙂
My favourite food to eat at Christmas is the cheeeeese! Always have a huge cheeseboard with my homemade cranberry sauce. Mmm Brie & cranberry. Divine! x
Gluten free oat meal turtle bites! Healthy, quick and christmassy once you add in some crandberries and cinnamon!
My favorite thing to eat at Christmas time is sugar cookies with icing!! I could eat a whole batch they are soooo good!
My favourite is Turkey, i consider myself lucky to adore it, as many dislike the meat and its so good for you. However I would have said chocolate but one cannot restrict this favouritism to Christmas alone…
My favourite food to eat is a couple of slices of gammon topped with 2-3 pineapple rings.
Great giveaway Nic and congratulations on reaching 10,000 followers! Happy Christmas! Xx
Thank you Colleen! Good luck 🙂 xx
roasted honey glazing parsnips, we only ever have them at xmas and i’m so looking forward to it
Rather naughty but I love peppermint bark 🙂
What a fantastic hamper and well done on 10k followers.
I love Christmas pudding with brandy butter totally naughty but it’s Christmas lol xx
My favourite food is anything with the custard poured out of the family airloom father xmas jug!!
My favourite food at Christmas is so hard to choose, so many different things on offer!! Maybe the smoked salmon starter? Or the cheese board..
Definatly black forest gateaux or roast parsnips….not much of a chocolate lover so thats no good for me but that dessert is the best and only available at christmas 🙂 xxx
My favourite food at Christmas is mince pies. Love to taste a variety – warm but not too hot. Heaven!
Sprouts! Chopped and cooked in coconut oil and served with a handful of roasted chestnuts.
My definite favourite food is steamed sprouts dry fried with a little pancetta and walnuts. Yum!
Oooh I love red cabbage cooked slowly with apples and cranberries
Hi Nic, what a fab giveaway! My favourite food to eat at Christmas is quite different! I was born and grew up in NZ and go home every year for a summer Christmas with my family. My favourite thing to eat are Strawberries , I have vivid memories of helping my Grandma pick them from her amazing veggie patch the day before Christmas to have on top of the pavlova!! Another lovely thing to eat is cherries, I always got a big container full in my Santa stocking!! I hope you had a great Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!! Jenna x
What a super giveaway! I love to have Wensleydale cheese with cranverries. Nomnom! Hope you had a lovely day 🙂
I have a few favourite Christmassy foods – sprouts, parsnips, pigs in blankets, turkey! Oh and nuts, but that’s all year round x
Favourite Christmas dish for me has to be strawberry trifle ;D never eat it the rest of the year. It’s got to have sponge fingers in the jelly too, not just plain. Thanks
I usually look forward the the amount of loaded desserts BUT this year the only thing that would hit the spot were the vegetables! The roasted carrots and parsnips, the mushy peas, even the Brussels sprouts!!
I have to say Boxing Day is my favourite for food with the left over cold meat jacket potatoes and salad for dinner yum!
cranberry sauce is the most awesome food at christmas
Fudge and sugar cookies
wow nic, amaaaazing. thank you so much! CONGRATULATIONS GIRL on the 10k, thats epic, i can only dream of that eek!
Favourite food at christmas is bread sticks with thousand island dip, my guilty buffet pleasure oops!
lots of love, Em x
Oooh love that!! Thanks Em 🙂 x
Definitely leftover toasted turkey, brie and cranberry sandwiches! Hope you’ve had a lovely christmas… look forward to more yummy recipes in the new year! 🙂 xx
My favourite food to eat at Christmas is good old traditional trifle 🙂
Has got to be mince pies with a naughty dash of cream!
This Christmas my favourite food to eat has to be nakd’s Cola infused raisins. I even made a mini zola raison Christmas pudding from them it really was amazing and only slightly strange!
My fave Christmas food is chutney! Goes amazingly with the cheeseboard and it’s a Christmas treat! <3 love Christmas! Well done on the followers lovely! Your doing a great job with the blog, love the recipes! X
Thank you 🙂 xx
Mince Pies all the way, just has to be eaten, without question! Took my time entering this, but I’m in. Great site, really does give me so many amazing ideas. 😀
My favourite food to eat at christmas is homemade Florentines , I make them with almonds pecans
Sour cherries, cranberries and ginger ! Perfect with a cappuccino sprinkled with cinnamon!
I like to make a huge batch , box them up and use as Christmas gifts for friends & family!
Awesome giveaway. Your blog is so inspiring and motivating! Loving the 80:20 rule! My favourite Christmas food is honey roast parsnips…especially the ones that are a bit burnt at the edges! I’m also partial to an After Eight mint or two!
Thanks Kylie 🙂 xx
I know its simple, but roast potatoes really are my favourite part of Christmas. I am an absolute potato addict and really have to restrain myself when trying to be good, so I let myself gorge on them a little on Christmas and Boxing day… I may of also brought a couple of leftovers home 😉
Prawn cocktail, stuffing & pigs in blankets – fave Xmas food
It’s a tough choice between Thornton’s Milk Collection and honey roasted vegetables for me!!
I love following your blog as it’s very inspiring! I’m sure I’ll be making lots of the recipes in January!
Roasted Almonds! Yummy x
My favourite Christmas food is mince pies with brandy cream. Not terribly healthy, I know. But I do run it off!
Walnut whips! 🙂
Amazing giveaway, someone is going to be very lucky – and all the runner ups too! Hope the prizes get put to good use.
Good luck everyone <3
I’m going to be honest here… I love it everything at Christmas! Champagne and eggs on Christmas morning (why can’t we do that everyday…?. Waiting for the big roast and trying to fight off the array of chocolates and bread sauce calling your name. Pretending to like dad’s boxing day turk- curry (with too much curry paste in it). I love inventing new ways to makeover the Brussel sprouts… Everyone always awaits my new concoction in great anticipation (not!). This years I roasted them with pancetta and pomegranate, they were a hit. Out roast got burnt because our oven went nuts.. The sprouts and turkey were the only survivors, so that was hilarious. Would love this happy so much, to start the year off right!
Hey Nic, great giveaway! My fave Christmas food has to be pigs in blankets, drool. Or I love a good bagel with some salmon and cream cheese for breakfast! xx
I’ve just entered it! Thx for the giveaway.
No problem 🙂 good luck!!
so, my fave Xmas food are mince pies made with gojis, and white mulberries.
My favourite Christmas food has to be cheese and biscuits with celery & red grapes! Your giveaway looks great Nic 🙂
Hi Nic, love your blog and recipes, this is a fab giveaway! I think my favourite Christmas food is roast sweet potato- but as that is not of my faves all year round I’m going to say warm mince pies with either Greek yoghurt or cream depending how I’m feeling!
Ooh that sounds gorgeous!! Thank you Kiera 🙂 x
My guilty secret of my favourite Christmas food is Mint Matchmakers. I’m not sure why I love them so much but they make me feel Christmassy and remind me of being at home with family! I can’t get enough of them over Christmas… yum!
My favourite food at Christmas has to be a tie between roasted chestnuts and bubble and squeak on Boxing Day using all of the left over veg from the Xmas dinner…. Yum yum. Hope you’ve had a lovely Xmas x
My favourite food to eat at Christmas is turkey sandwiches especially this year as I’d made my own piccalilli 🙂
My favourite food at Christmas is gingerbread!
My favourite food to eat, at Christmas, are Clementines. They are so refreshing after all the over-indulgence and the smell and juice just screams Christmas to me. 🙂
My favourite food at christmas is the red cabbage and roasted Brussels!! Mmm
I make a chestnut & cranberry nut roast every yr for Christmas & it is my fav thing 🙂
We always have gammon and it’s beautiful. I’d say that was my favourite! Although I have been ill since Christmas Eve so missed everything 🙁 doesn’t feel like it even happened!
Congrats on 10,000 follows. Your tweets, advice and receipts are much appreciated! X
My fav food to eat at Christmas is the main dinner. I love turkey, sprouts and parsnips.
3 bird roast but I let go for a couple of week at Christmas hope you’ve had a good Christmas and have a great new year
Christmas Eve Italian feast!
I love everything about breakfast on Xmas morning – smoked salmon and spicy scrambled eggs with cinnamon french toast made with slightly stale croissants with a large mug of Beanies Irish Cream coffee – AMAZING!
My favourite food is pigs in blankets! What’s not to love!!!
My favourite Xmas food is pigs in blankets – what’s not to love!!! We only have them at Xmas so it makes them even more special!! Congratulations on 10,000 followers & happy new year!!
Thank you!! xx
My favourite Xmas food is pigs in blankets – what’s not to love!!!!
smoked salmon is my fav food to eat at christmas 🙂
I love to eat as much smoked salmon as possible at Christmas!
Has to be Brussel sprouts and pan fried pancetta for me
Home made Christmas cake with the thick icing on top! Nothing comes
It has to be a turkey dinner with all the trimmings…veg, veg & more veg especially roasted parsnips, stuffing, cranberry sauce, the lot! Followed by Christmas pudding. Yum! x
It has to be a turkey dinner with all the trimmings…veg, veg & more veg especially roasted parsnips, stuffing, cranberry sauce, the lot! Followed by Christmas pudding x
I just love food! So all things at christmas are exciting, but my favourite has to be the combination of turkey, cranberry & stuffing… i literally can’t think of a better taste fusion!
My typical christmas treat is makowki. Its a sweet dish my grandma makes out of poppy seeds, raisins, a special fluffy bread, milk and sugar. I look forward to that for the whole year!
Turkey, cranberries and spouts, nom nom. For dessert some healthy homemade gingerbread cake! Have a happy and healthy new year Nic. X. x.
Although this isn’t particularly healthy I don’t eat it any other time of the year, so when I get home from uni for the Christmas holidays to see cheese & crackers I’m absolutely made!
Some pickles on the side never hurt anyone :p
Amazing give away! Good luck everyone 🙂
My favourite Christmas food has to be Christmas pudding with a naughty dollop of brandy butter! It is Christmas after all….! x
My favourite Christmas foods have to be the homemade lemon stuffing my mum makes and Brussels sprouts fried in a little butter. Absolutely delicious, I could eat a whole plate! Happy New Year Nic! :)x
Thank you! You too xx
At this time of year my favourite food is a homemade clootie dumpling. As long as it is made by my Mum using a recipe passed down from my Dad’s side of the family. So GOOD. Amazing on its own or topped with roasted pecans and served with ice cream or cream, for extra indulgence.
Wow, what a competition! Hope you had a merry christmas 🙂 this year was a different christmas for me. After being a vegetarian for 12 years, this year was my 1st returning to meat! So this christmas my favourite food was….pigs in blankets!! 😀 but for every other christmas I’d spent as a veggie I’d say anything apple and cinnamon flavoured!! Just so festive!! 😀 happy new year Nic xx
I love your apple and cinnamon combo 🙂 xx
Most people hate brussel sprouts but I love them! Either roasted with a bit of garlic and rosemary, or stir fried with chillies and some ginger. Not traditional but super yummy and healthy!! 🙂
Definitely smoked salmon canapés!
Roast turkey! Even better cold with salad, cranberry sauce and stuffing! Either that or the not so healthy Baileys yule log I made this year!
Definitely some smoked salmon with lots of fresh lemon juice! Bread optional! Nice additions are watercress and light soft cheese! Yum!
Really love taramasalata with some chopped up veg like carrots or cucumber, naughty but nice, good fats!
marzipan dipped in choccie 🙂
Love me some Turkey, it gets a bad rap from “celebrity” chefs
Wooooow that’s a real Christmas selection box!! 🙂 my favourite food at Christmas time has to be my version of Christmassy porridge every morning! Hotmilk, oats, and cranberries, almonds and cinnamon – in my favourite red and white bowl!! Have a happy, healthy and successful new year! 🙂 xx
Wooow that’s a real Christmas selection box!! 🙂 My favourite food at Christmas time has to be my own wee version of Christmassy porridge every morning – hot milk, oats, and cranberries, almonds and lots of cinnamon – all in my favourite red and white bowl or it doesn’t taste the same! 🙂 great giveaway Nic, have a happy , healthy and successful new year!!xxx
Thanks Kathy! Good luck! xx
Turkey and cranberry sandwiches!
Its a naughty treat – but definitely mince pies. Even naughtier is taking the lid off and squirting cream inside! Yummy!
My favourite is lobster starter I love seafood x
Christmas pudding!!!
What a wonderful prize to start the new year!
Roasted parsnips & Christmas pud!
For Christmas I love eating cranberry sauce with everything!
My favourite is the Boxing Day Bubble and Squeak made from all the leftovers, including chopped up pickled onions! Served in a leftover Yorkshire Pudding with loads of Turkey gravy.
Has to be pig in blankets – only time of year I have them
Sprouts – love them!
My favourite food at Christmas is Turkey salad for the whole week after.
Home made cranberry sauce yum <3 love the color x
My favourite food at Christmas is my homemade mince pies
Favourite food has definitely got to be my nan’s home made mince pies!
Favourite Christmas food has got to be sausage meat stuffing and honey coated parsnips! Yum!x
Gorgeous golden and crispy roast potatoes!!!!
And Turkey sandwiches on Boxing Day with a cheeky sprinkle of salt!!! Can’t beat it! 🙂
White Stilton with apricots – I only buy this at Christmas as a real treat; I love bubble and squeak on Boxing Day with leftover Brussels sprouts and potatoes (I always cook too many just so I can cook this the next day!)
I like turkey
My fave Christmas food is turkey with homemade spiced cranberry sauce 🙂