My Healthy French Supermarket Trip!

My Healthy French Supermarket Trip!

Ever wondered what foods to buy from a foreign supermarket when you’re self-catered?! If so, wonder no more.. I filmed a quick video when I was in France the other week to show you what I bought and the breakfasts and lunches that I created. I ate out on an evening and used My Slimmer’s Guide to Eating Out to help me to decide what to get ;).


P.S. To see what I buy at an English supermarket check out my Healthy Food Shopping List!


Pour mon petit déjeuner J’ai acheté..  for my breakfast I bought…

French Breakfast

  • Apple & Apricot Fruit Pots  – To have as a snack & to flavour yoghurt with. In England I buy the baby fruit pots to use in baking and they have been essential since my wisdom teeth were removed! These fruit pots are packed with soluble fibre, vitamins and minerals.. just make sure to buy the no added sugar ones!
  • Natural Yoghurt Pots in 0% Fat – To have with fruit as a creamy yet healthy addition. Natural yoghurt has no added sugar and is low in saturated fat.. I prefer to add my own sugar (i.e. natural sugar in the form of fruit or honey) and healthier fats such as nuts or seeds. Yoghurts are a fantastic source of calcium and protein and the probiotic yoghurts can even help to improve digestive health.
  • Honey – To naturally sweeten plain yoghurt, rye bread or even tea. Honey releases its energy slower than sugar, contains special antibacterial properties and tastes super sweet.
  • Melon – Delicious on its own or with breakfast melon is packed with water to keep us hydrated as well as fibre, vitamins and minerals!
  • Bananas – A delicious, naturally pre-packaged fruit that can be easily eaten on the go and are full of fibre, vitamins and minerals, including potassium.


Pour mon déjeuner J’ai acheté.. for my lunch I bought…

French Lunch

  • Rye Bread with Sunflower Seeds – Delicious topped with avocado, eggs & salad (as pictured!). Rye bread has a very low GI which means that it releases its energy slowly keeping you fuller for longer. I buy the rye bread that is pre-sliced which is great for portion control!
  • Avocados – To snack on as well as to mash onto rye bread for some healthy fats & added moisture!
  • Lambs Lettuce – Bagged salad is super convenient and is bursting with vitamins, minerals and fibre. It’s low in calories and makes an ideal base for salads or in sandwiches.


Pour mon petit-déjeuner et le déjeuner, j’ai acheté.. for my breakfast and lunch I bought…

French Meal

  • Eggs – A great source of protein, as well as vitamins A, D and B2. Eggs are fantastic for both breakfast and lunch as you can make an omelette, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs (the ideal snack!), poached eggs or even 2 ingredient pancakes!
  • Chicken Breast Slices – Fantastic source of protein to help us feel fuller for longer, chicken slices go perfectly in a sandwich, omelette or even on their own with some lamb’s lettuce!
  • Cherry Tomatoes, Mushrooms & Peppers – Packed with fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to keep us healthy. They make the ideal addition to any salad or omelette!


Pour les boissons J’ai acheté.. for drinks I bought…

French Drinks

  • 100% Fruit Smoothie Drink with Strawberries & Raspberries – I mixed this with sugar-free sparkling water & ice (as pictured) for a non-alcoholic cocktail style drink.. it was so refreshing!
  • Green Tea with Mint – I love this tea as it not only tastes amazing but it’s packed with antioxidants and doesn’t contain as much caffeine as black tea.
  • Green Tea with Mandarine Orange – I haven’t seen this green tea flavour in England before however you will be seeing my favourite English green teas in an up and coming YouTube video!


Pour les collations J’ai acheté.. for snacks I bought…

Boiled eggs

  • Eggs – I boiled a few eggs for a quick and taste protein snack. Eggs provide just 78 calories each and 6g of protein each.
  • Cashew Nuts & Pistachio Nuts – Nuts are a fantastic source of healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, protein and fibre. Just make sure to portion a few out before you start munching the entire pack!
  • Lemon Sugar-Free Chewing Gum – An essential for me.. and if you’ve read my blog post about how to get healthy & white teeth then you’ll know why 😉


I really hope this blog post has inspired your foreign supermarket shopping trip – I would love to know what you buy when you’re self-catered or if you have any tips?! I think my main tip has to be to know some of the local language e.g. “without added sugar” in French is “sans sucre ajouté”! Good luck and bon appetite!




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