What a Dietitian Eats in a Day!

What a Dietitian Eats in a Day!

One of the most frequent questions that I get asked is ‘What do I Eat in a Day’, so here is my answer! You may have seen the popular ‘What I Eat in a Day’ videos on YouTube and I have posted two videos of my own below:


  1. The first video shows you what I buy in a normal weekly food shop, and then what I eat in a typical day working from home..
  2. And the second video shows you what I eat over two days, as well a reviewing a brand new vegan range from Tesco!


Remember my eating philosophy.. I follow (loosely!) the 80/20 rule where I try to eat mainly whole-foods but still allow more indulgent foods as I want them; I love chocolate and I NEVER promote cutting out or giving up foods unnecessarily.


I’m not vegetarian or vegan but I am trying to eat more plant-based meals. Buying less meat and more plant based protein such as beans and lentils actually saves money and it’s a great way of getting in more FIBRE too!!


P.S. I will be posting 2 more ‘What I Eat in a Day’ videos soon so make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss them!



There are a few things that I personally try to eat/drink on a daily/weekly basis:

  1. 3 regular meals a day plus 2-3 snacks if I’m hungry between meals
  2. 5 portions (handfuls) of fruit and vegetables a day (more colours the better!)
  3. Protein, healthy fats, carbs (preferably wholegrain) and greens at each main meal
  4. Fish twice a week, one of which is oily (such as salmon or mackerel)
  5. Other foods I include: nuts and dark chocolate
  6. At least 2L of fluid a day (including water, tea, coffee and squash)

I also aim for 7-8 hours of sleep a night as well as 5 x 30 minute walks or workouts a week, in addition to body weight training or lifting weights twice a week.

If I want a chocolate bar (I’m just munching on a couple of mini Twix bars as I type this…!!) then I will have it, with ZERO guilt, as a little bit of what you fancy DOES YOU GOOD!! Sugar is NOT addictive and in moderation* it is perfectly A-ok.



In the video above I not only show you what I ate over 2 day but I review the new new vegan ‘Wicked Kitchen’ range too. It honestly tastes incredible and so far I’ve tried 5 out of the 20 products available; I’ve given my honest reviews about each product in the video above and overall I’m REALLY impressed (well done Derek!!).

The products have been designed with meat-eaters in mind who simply want to eat more plant foods and the wrap pictured above was so scrumptious. All of the meals serve 1 and my favourite item was the sourdough pizza though which was delicious; I highly recommend picking this up if you see it (I ordered mine online!).

Have you tried the range yet? If so please do let me know what you think too!!



I really hope you enjoy seeing what I eat in a day!

Please take these videos for what they are meant to be i.e. an insight in to how I eat on a typical day. It’s certainly not the ONLY way to eat, or a replacement of individual dietary advice previously given to you, and remember, I differently every single day!

Nic x



*Up to 25-30g (6-8 teaspoons) of free sugar a day is deemed acceptable. This equates to roughly 5% of energy intake. Free sugar includes the sugar that is added to foods such as sweets, biscuits and chocolate, as well as the sugar naturally occurring in fruit juice and honey. Check out The Rooted Project’s image for more information on free sugar:


**I filmed the second video in collaboration with Tesco however have chosen to feature it on my blog.


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