How to get the MOST out of your body!

With summer almost upon us, I’m back this week talking all about how to get the most out of your body in collaboration with Alive! Multivitamins. I really hope you enjoy my video and the tips…

Muscle Food’s Do The Unthinkable Review & Discount Code

The other week I tried out Muscle Food’s Do the Unthinkable Plan; I had 5 days worth of meals delivered to my house (although you can choose to have 6 or 7 days worth delivered…

5 Ways to Reduce your Plastic Use .. PLUS my Interview with Iceland!

Earlier this year you may have seen Iceland in the headlines as they work towards the very admirable task of removing the plastic packaging from all of its own-label products by 2023. I was lucky…

Protein Powder for Women?

Whey protein is one of the proteins found in milk and it is the water-soluble part of milk. Protein, which breaks down into amino acids in the body, is involved in muscle growth and repair with…

Which Supermarkets have the Easiest to read Nutrition Labels?

According to a recent study by an online label company, Sainsbury’s supermarket has the clearest labels on their food; 39% of people find their labels the easiest to understand, closely followed by Asda. However, Morrisons…