If you follow me on social media, such as Twitter or Facebook then you will have probably seen me promoting Breakfast Week which starts TODAY! Breakfast week, which runs from the 24th of January to the 30th, is now in its 17th year and aims to raise awareness of the importance of eating breakfast through activities, promotions and events taking place across the country.
Breakfast Week is run on behalf of arable farmers who grow crops such as wheat, barley, oats and oilseed rape and it aims to promote the health benefits of breakfast though the fantastic website Shake Up Your Wake Up.
Modern life means we all have demands on our time. It might be getting the kids up, dressed and to school on time, an early morning visit to the gym before work, or a long commute. It can seem that there is little time to make and eat breakfast before heading out of the house. That shouldn’t mean that breakfast gets forgotten though so we have a mission for you, should you choose to accept it: Rethink breakfast!
It’s widely known that breakfast is regarded as the most important meal of the day – it gives you the energy for the day ahead. But according to a recent survey, a staggering 45% of people admit that they skip breakfast at least once a week which can result in low energy, feeling grumpy and struggling to concentrate. The mission is to get everyone to rethink their morning routine and my ‘Mission Breakfast Guide’ will help you do just that and choose the right healthy breakfast for you – no matter what your morning routine!
Research has shown the eating breakfast regularly can:
- Make you healthier and happier
- Improve morning energy and concentration levels
- Provide valuable nutrients such as calcium and protein
- Help you to stay slim; breakfast eaters tend to be slimmer than breakfast skippers!
Eating a balanced breakfast can help you to reach your recommended nutrient intakes, reduce the temptation to snack mid morning and fuel a morning workout or re-fuel after one!
In my latest video (see above!) I talk you through some of my favourite foods to be eaten at breakfast including:
- Oats and wholemeal bread for wholegrain, slow release energy and fibre
- Milk and yoghurt for protein and calcium for teeth and bone health
- Eggs, beans and whey protein for protein for muscle strength
- Fruit and vegetables for vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to keep us healthy
- Nut butter, seeds and oily fish for healthy fats for health hearth
- Cinnamon for tasty flavour without the sugar!
To see all of my breakfast recipes you can check out the ones on my [blog] as well as the ones in my [mission breakfast guide]. No matter what your situation; eating at your desk, a family on the go, post work-out, a brunch to impress or if you’re getting back into shape, there is a breakfast for you!
And remember, you can join in the conversation on Twitter or Facebook using #BreakfastWeek .. have a great breakfast week and do let me know what your favourite breakfast is!
Hi Nic!
Interesting article, I currently do intermittent fasting and have never felt better or more productive in the mornings! I wondered what your opinion was on this?
Thankyou and I look forward to your reply 🙂
Hi Jake! I would say each to their own and although there are benefits to fasting I prefer to fast 10-12 hours over night. I workout first thing in a morning and if I personally didn’t eat breakfast then I know that I would start raiding the hospital vending machine come 10am! The research shows that the MAJORITY of successful slimmers eat breakfast however there are always going to be some exceptions to the rule 🙂 Hope this answers your question 🙂 Nic x
My breakfast usual diet are oats, berries, banana and milk. I’ve been searching what to add on my breakfast diet list. I will surely join conversation on #BreakfastWeek socials to share my breakfast diet and get other good recipes.
Thanks Bryan!