10 Minute HIIT AMRAP Workout!

10 Minute HIIT AMRAP Workout!

After answering your diet, health & fitness questions last week, I took advantage of having the lovely Hannah from Wedges & Weights at my house and we filmed a quick workout routine for you that requires no equipment and even better you can do it in the comfort of your own home!


The workout below is a combination of five HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and toning exercises that you do 10 reps of each (one move requires 10 reps on each leg!) and then you repeat the moves for 10 minutes.. counting how many rounds of the five exercises that you can do.. I managed 3 full rounds plus 2 exercises!! I’m aiming for 4 next time :). Do let me know how you get on!


P.S It’s always best to warm up before you work-out & I personally love [this quick warm-up] from Fitness Blender.





*Hannah is a qualified Personal Trainer. Please workout according to your own abilities. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.


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  1. October 5, 2015 / 1:27 pm

    Great workout, despite my skeptism. i am a bit of an endurance junky, and for me 45 minutes counts as a short workout. So, as you can imagine 10mins is not something i would have neccessarily considered before. However, i have learned about this HIT style training, and as a working mother of 2 young kids with only 5.30-6.30AM as a daily time window in which I can do my own sport, it seemed wortha try. Since i was doing the workout this morning in the garden and the floor was too dirty i skipped the V crunches and just did the first 4 exercises as a continous circuit for 11 mins. The intensity is nice and high and enough to set those endorphins going, i felt great afterwoods! A super little workout to start the day with, i will be doing it ona reg basis. Thankyou so much for the video demonstrations of each move, it meant that i could just go ahead and start instead of having to figure out HOW to do the exercises. Great blog too, congratulations Nic

    • October 5, 2015 / 6:42 pm

      Aw thank you so much Victoria for your lovely comment!! I’ll make sure Hannah sees it :)) Love AMRAP workouts now!! xx

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