Weight Loss & Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

Weight Loss & Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

How are your New Year’s Resolutions going?! January marks a fresh start for most people – a new year, a new life, and today I wanted to share with you my top 5 favourite ‘resolutions’ that will help you to either lose weight or improve your health. Resolutions (in my opinion) should be seen as goals for changes in behaviour for the entire year – with the outcome being better health/weight loss etc. So don’t worry if your start to the year hasn’t been what you would have hoped – let’s just make sure that the rest of 2015 helps you to move forward in your long-term ambitions!

In the video below I’ve also shared my personal new year resolutions / goals for the year – so hopefully one of these 9 resolutions will inspire you to making 2015 that little bit healthier!



New Year Resolutions for a Healthier 2015:


  • 1) Start taking your own lunch to work with you – When you do this you are fully in control of what’s in the food that you’re eating as well as how many calories you are eating. If you struggle with time then why not make 2 days worth of lunches at a time and take them to work to store in the fridge? Or you could make double batches of evening meals such as chilli to re-heat the next day. Look out for my video in a couple of weeks time where I’ll be sharing with you 3 of my favourite lunch recipes but for now check out my Tuna & Feta Frittatas as well as my Salmon & Quinoa Salad for inspiration. Just make sure to have enough food storage options in for you to pack the food into!

Salmon and Quinoa Salad


  • 2) Aim for 7-8 hours sleep a night – Those who get enough sleep tend to be slimmer and eat fewer calories/healthier than those who do not. This is because when you are sleep deprived you crave more energy from food – and it’s often high fat/sugar foods such as biscuits that are most convenient!

Sleep more!


  • 3) Walk more – Ideally we should aim to take 10,000 steps a day and a Fitbit or a pedometer can be a great way of helping you to achieve this goal. I have a Fitbit and it made me realise how sedentary I was outside my workouts – I now park my car further away at work and ALWAYS take the stairs instead of the lift!



  • 4) Drink more water – Staying hydrated is essential for health as it not only keeps our body working as it should but it also helps us to keep in tune with our true hunger and thirst signals. A tip that some people find really useful is to keep a bottle of water with you or in the fridge at work or at home and mark on the hours of the day that you are awake – make sure that you have drunk the amount of water before that hour and before you know it you’ll be drinking 1.5L of extra water a day (and yes you can flavour it with no added sugar squash!).

Water Bottle


  • 5) Eat more greens – and get experimenting! Vegetables not only help to fill us up with hardly any calories but they also nourish our bodies from the inside out by providing an array of vitamins and minerals. You can use a Spiralizer to make vegetables more interesting or add spinach to a simple smoothie (I promise you it will still taste ok!!).

Protein Shake


My personal resolutions are to:

  • 1) Attend boot camp at least once a week.
  • 2) Be in bed by 10pm Monday to Friday (I wake up at 6am!).
  • 3) Take a walk around the block with a friend or family member (without I Phones!).
  • 4) Write in my five minute journal every morning and every night (use NIC10 for 10% off – I asked them for a promo code to share with you after purchasing one and loving it!).


To hear more about my personal resolutions check out my video (from 3:30 minutes!).

I would love to hear yours so do let me know if the comments below or under the video!

Thanks for reading :).



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