We all know that we should drink more water to keep healthy and our skin looking good, but.. water can be so BORING. If you’ve read my ‘Healthy Food Shopping List’ then you’ll know that I am (or was) partial to using no added sugar squash to flavour my water, however there is a more natural alternative.. and this is it :).
I use the term detox water lightly, as your body (liver) naturally detoxifies itself on a daily basis, with fluids helping to flush out waste products, keeping your digestive system healthy.
Ideally we should drink at least eight 200ml glasses of fluid a day, however if you’re more active or live in a hot climate then you may need more. If you’ve read my blog post about hydration then you’ll know that tea and coffee do count towards your daily fluid intake and the easiest way to tell if you’re drinking enough is to check the colour of your urine; if it’s pale straw then you’re drinking enough (any darker then you need to drink more!).
So, if you want to add a natural ‘zing’ to your water (to help you drink more & ‘flush out’ your body!) and reduce the amount of ’empty calories’ you may be consuming from fizzy and other sweetened drinks, read on for my favourite water infused flavour combination!
.. And if you like this recipe then do check out my Cleansing Cucumber Limeade too!
The way I judge if I should blog a recipe is the response I get from offering the final product to someone else.. In this case I poured a tiny amount of the water into a glass and said ‘here, try this’ .. the response was ‘nice, pour me a pint’ – hurray! From kitchen to blog post here I come! 🙂
Lemon, Mint & Cucumber Water
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1 lemon
- a few sprigs of mint
- fresh water
- Wash and slice the cucumber & lemon and rinse the mint
- Pop them into a water jug
- Fill the jug with water, mix and leave to steep overnight in the fridge.. you can keep topping up the jug with more water for a few days until you need to change the fruits/herbs!
Lemons are a natural cleanser and are great for digestion, cucumbers help to enhance hydration and the mint adds a lovely refreshing flavour!
Don’t underestimate just how refreshing this detox water is …I love it! Simple to make and makes drinking 8 glasses a day really easy 🙂
Aw thank you Josie!! xx
When should i drink it? Bfr breakfast? Or should i drink it on empty stomach? Or bfr going to sleep? Is okay to drink it and just go straight to bed? I just want to know when is the ideal time to drink it;)
It’s to drink any time during the day 🙂
Can I drink the detox water as soon as I make it or I have to let it sit overnight before I drink it?
You can drink it as soon as you make it yes 🙂
Does this detox water help you lose weight and fat. I read somewhere that this is like a ‘fat flusher.’ is this true and if so, when will i see results?
No it doesn’t melt fat! Eating fewer calories than your body needs does that!
Hi! I really wanna try this. But Is it ok to add lime instead of lemon?
Of course!
Do you eat the cucumbers lemon and orange or mint or is it strictly to enhance the flavor of the water??
I don’t personally!
Can I drink this water during the day?
Of course!
Do you eat regularly or you only drink this?
I personally eat 6 x a day and drink all day long! x
My son shown me your website yesterday, and have just put all the fruit into my jug….cannot wait to try your recipes….I am on my diet from tommorrow so here goes….. thank you
Aw thank you! But don’t see yourself as going on a diet.. see it as a lifestyle change.. 80/20 rule for life! x
Will do thank-you, makes sense,….li’m ready for a lifestyle change.x
Can we eat the fruits added after drinking this detox water?
Is it good or bad?
Don’t see why not.
Does detox water have calories? I use the MyFitnessPal the app and I was shocked to put in detox water and have it come out to 110 calories if you only have 1 mason jar full of it!
It’s practically zero…. that detox water on mfp sounds like it has added sugar!
How many times should I change the lemon and cucumber?
When do I change it?
Can I leave the lemon and cucumber in the water for a week?
You could do yes! You’ll know when it needs changing as the fruit won’t look as fresh. Hope this helps! xx
Love this… I do it all the time it makes drinking water a lot easier x
Thanks Sophia!
Hi my mint after a day has black spots on it and I find the flavour is not as intense
Do I need to change it every day !! Love the flavour and water though drinking
3 litres a day
Wow that’s amazing! Not sure about the black spots I’m afraid – maybe get a small mint plant and add to a glass of water fresh 🙂 x
I’m trying to figure out if there are any calories in this or it only if you eat the fruit and vegetables out of it
The water is virtually calorie free.. no don’t eat the fruit.. not unless you’re hungry 😉
Can This Help You Lose Weight.? If So How Much.?
It helps you to stay hydrated.. and as hunger and thirst can be confused that’s how it can make you lose weight!
Omg this sounds amazing, but I can’t find the mint leaves. Is it okay if I don’t use them?
The mint leaves can be found in the produce dept at Wal-Mart
Hello 🙂 I wanted to know for how many days should we drink this detox water? for a week or more?
For as long as you want! It’s great for a BBQ 🙂
can i make this detox water without put it in the fridge?
It won’t keep very long out of the fridge! It tastes nicer chilled 🙂
I keep reading all the comments which are good but how much of it should you drink each day and for how long.
We should drink 6-8 glasses of fluid/water a day, everyday – this recipe is just a way of jazzing up water!
Can i use the cucumber and lemon again? if yes for how many days? and does it have the same effect?
I personally wouldn’t .. fresh is always best! It should keep for a few days/week!
how many glass should drink in a day
We should drink 8 x 200ml glasses of fluid a day as a general rule.. aim for pale straw wee 🙂 x
After I refrigerate it overnight, can i transfer it into another pitcher and drink it when it is not chill. I catch cold very easy and avoid consuming any chilled drinks. Kindly advice 🙂
Yes of course!
How long do we keep this in the fridge, before slicing new fruits and adding new water again
Until the fruit looks a little wilt 🙂
I first learned of this water when someone told me about it. I made it and yes it does “jazz” up plain water! I still had questions about it and stumbled across your website. I want to thank you for sharing your information about this veggie/fruit infused water. It will save me some money. Thank you again!
Aw no problem!! Thanks for your comment!! x
When I found this recipe online it states next to it that it helps you maintain a flat belly. Is that true?
Drinking enough water can help you to manage your weight and prevent bloating yes! x
This is my first time trying the detox water. How long does it need to chill before I can start drinking it? I’ve read 6 hours to overnight.
30 minutes should be enough 🙂
i heard that this detox drink will turn nasty the next day. and its better to finish the batch made within 24 hours. is that right?
Fresh is always best but it does keep longer than a day!
Is it possible if we drink this kind of recepi it will make u slim or i mean ur belly is a liitle bit big?
Water helps you to stay hydrated, and as hunger and thirst can get confused drinking water helps you to stay in tune with your TRUE hunger signals 🙂
Can i drink it directly taking out of the frigde or should i wait for sometime.
What ever you fancy!
That’s an awesome idea to drink more water & I love it. I also added some strawberries and it tastes pretty good, too. I was wondering if this detox drink or water has any calories :s
It will have virtually no calories 🙂 Thanks for your comment! Nic x
Can I drink this right away after I make
Can mint flakes found in the spice isle be used in place of mint leaves.?
Hi! I wouldn’t use them personally unless you hold a sieve over your glass when pouring 🙂 x
Instead of mint leaves, what should be the other option, if not available mint leaves ?
Just leave them out 🙂
Hi! I have been trying this for two days but I don’t know if its normal when the taste is sour? Can I leave overnight without putting in the fridge? Just room temperature? Is it safe and ok?
Hello! I would keep this in the fridge for a few days – it should just taste of the lemons and mint really!
Hi can I use mint tea instead of mint leaves causes I can’t find it in store and is the detox water supposed to make you use the bathroom a lot.
Detox water is just a way of flavouring water – you could steep some mint tea in a small amount of hot water then add it to the cold water yes = iced mint tea 🙂 xx
For the cucumber, lemon and mint detox drink can you use lemon mint instead of regular mint?
I used mint leaved – don’t use the dried mint as it’ll go all over your mouth! Hehe x
I love drinking the detox water but I stop because my mother in law was complaining that im wasting the fruit like that I should grinder the fruit.
So which one is better to grinder the fruit or to make it like you do??
Both infuse the water! If you can taste the fruit then you’re not wasting it 🙂 x
Can you eat whatever you want with this detox or no? What do you usually eat with this detox for it to be the most beneficial for losing weight?
Hello! There is no need to follow a ‘detox diet’ – this blog post is about promoting drinking more water in general, the tasty way 🙂 x
How long does this water last
Around 5 days x
Do you put the whole mint leaf (stem and all) or do you detach the leaves from the stem? Also, how much mint, lemon, etc. should be used if making in a pitcher? I’ve made some already, but I’m not tasting the mint at all.
I would add more then to your taste 🙂 And yes as long as it is washed you can add the whole thing!
Does the water have to be refrigerated? My glass pitcher won’t fit in my fridge so I put it in my garage where it is pretty cool??
It will taste nicer slightly cool 🙂
Hi, I’m new to this! if I finished the water the same day I made it, could I Eat the fruit?
hi, thanks for ur recipes , i don wanna lose weight , can I eat the fruit then??
How many times a week should we drink them? Is it okay if we drink them everyday?
Yes of course!
In other words, I don’t want to put it in the refrigerate it. Is it okay to drink this way?
Can we strain the water and have or should we have it with the fruits in. And can we refill the bottle once we have finished it for the same day with the same fruits?
Yes you can re use the fruits and you don’t have to strain it no, but you can if you want to 🙂 x
What to do if it tastes bitter? I added lemon slices ,cucumbers,mint.I also squeezed a little lemon..
Don’t add the squeeze of lemon 🙂
I drink nothing but water all day everyday so will this help me or no? If so how many glasses or how often a day should I drink it?
It will help to flavour your water!
do I have to use a detox bottle or can I use a normal drink bottle I got from target
Any bottle will do! I like a glass cup though 🙂
What does this detox water actually do? What are the benefits?
It keeps you hydrated and helps with your digestive system 🙂
Hi I am gonna try this.
I make this at night and the next day I take out the cucumber and put it in a salad for lunch. It’s still fresh and I get double use out of it. You could probably do the same for the lemon but I hardly use it for other things. The mint I leave in for a stronger mint taste.
Love that idea! Thanks!!
I’m just trying to lose my gut will this help
Drinking more water will help you to stay full and so not unnecessarily snack! x
I am about to try this from tomorrow. Thanks for sharing this.
Just 1 quick question- Do i put Lemon slices in the water or do I squeeze lemon ?
Slices 🙂 x
Hey…im trying to flatten my belly..im doing cardio and workout at home…will this drink help me with it? how will it help me?
please rep….thanks 🙂
Keeping hydrated helps you to keep in tune with your true hunger signals 🙂
Is it good to reuse the fruit like twice??
The flavour won’t be as strong!
Can i keep detox water outside fridge after keeping it in fridge overnight or should it be kept in fridge only
The fruit will keep fresher in the fridge!
Can I drink the detox water everyday all throughtout the year, or shall I sau drink it forever?
Drink it for as long as you like!
for how long should we drink this water, is there any like one week or two weeks in a month or througtout the year we drink this water
Drink it when ever you are thirsty!
Hi! Can I use lemon and cucumber? I can’t find mint leaves in my place.. Can you please suggest if theirs any replacement for mint leaves? Thank you, pls reply 🙂
Lemon and cucumber is just fine 🙂
Can I prepare the detox water overnight and in the morning remove all the fruis and veggies and carry the infused water to office to have it all day. Or is it necessary to have the ingredients in them while we consume the water.??
No that sounds fine :))
Also let me know if I can have detox water during pregnancy??
Yes you should be able to (generally speaking!)
generally speaking this detox water made us to drink enough water right? i have a question for weight loss, when i reduce the calorie intake in my diet as i am taking the detox abundantly, does it have any side effects? like fatigue etc..
Yes if you cut your calories too much!
I did a 3qts pitcher of lemon, cucumber, and mint leaves. How many time could I refill the same pitcher? Should it be in a glass or plastic pitcher?
Re fill for as long as the fruit stays fresh 🙂 And it can be either!
HI…i am over weight.Should i drink this detox water several times in a day?
Drink it as you would any fluid!
If i have a gallon jug with this mixture how long does it stay good?… how many days before i have to make a fresh batch
Change it when the fruit no longer looks fresh! 2-3 days!
It really helps in losing weight….?.
..how long we have to keep the water with lemons.cucumber.ginger
…we have to eat that things or we have to drink only water…
Plz help…I want to loose to weight
This doesn’t magically make you lose weight – it makes drinking water easier, and as hunger and thirst can sometimes get confused, drinking more water can help with your weight loss efforts 🙂
Can i add honey?
If you like!
Hi there
I’ve been drinking this for 3 days now and I have not had any bowel movements for 3 days now too! Is this normal? What should I do?
This is just a drink like water. It’s fibre (from vegetables and whole grains etc), fluid and movement that helps your bowels to open!
When drinking this can you still eat if using as a detox
Of course!
Hi just want to know if I mix all ingredients and keep out overnight instead of fridge will it help or is it safe
In the fridge is always better for cut vegetables!
Hii .. can we add cinnamon stick to this drink also ?
I don’t see why not!
does this really help to reduce weight because i gained a lot a weight in a short period of span and i cant find time to do the exercise, drinking this water alone will help me to reduce weight?
Hello! No, expending more energy than you consume is how you lose weight 🙂 x
Can i add ginger to my detox water?
of course!
Is there any substitute for mint leaves? Cause it is hard to find here in my place..
What can be used instead of cucumber? Any substitutes?
Orange slices?
does this help to clear up spots etc from skin ? if so how long would it take to start seeing a difference ?
Drinking water helps skin health!
Please let me know how many day after we need to change the fruits.
After a couple of days 🙂
How long can I keep it in my fridge, made a batch yesterday in a jug. How long can I keep it in my fridge for? Before it goes bad.
2-3 days usually 🙂
Hi I have seen this drink in stay healthy magazine, the only difference is they add grated ginger root and dried mint as well as fresh. In the add it says drink for 4 days then stop for 7?
Can you think of any reason why you should stop after 4 days? I tried contacting the magazine but got no reply. So any advise would be appreciated.
Hi Julie! I’m not sure why they would say to stop, as long as the drink is just that – a drink between meals to stay hydrated!! It’s healthier than having fizzy drinks that’s for sure!
Hi I been doing the detox water for a few days and I been having a awful lot of bowel movements is that normal?
Drinking more fluid helps to stimulate bowel motions!
Is it ok if i do not refrigerate it over night?
I like having water at room temperature. Can i keep this detox drink on my bed side instead of the refrigerator and drink it in the morning? Would my drink he spoiled on doing so?
The vegetables won’t keep as long.
Hi is it ok if pour hot water on the lemon,lime,mint and cucumber? I did and it didn’t taste as great as when i just put regular water…
Hello! I personally wouldn’t pour hot water on cucumber!
How much detox water is required per day?
You should drink at least 1.6L of fluid a day generally, including water, tea and coffee!
Is it compulsory to keep this detox water in a refrigerator
Yes for freshness!
I’ve been drinking detox for about a week with protein and salad diet but i started to have diarrhea, so o wamted tp know if it’s normal or am I drinking too much or if i just need to chang the diet or something??
Stop drinking it and go back to fresh water 🙂
I don’t have fresh mint..do I use dry mint…!!
Maybe skip the mint!
hlo mam…..as i m drinking detox water throughout the day is it good to drink every day like that? can we drink detox water during peroids ?
I don’t see why not, it’s only water with fruit!
Hi nic, hope you are doing well.?
I am just messaging to thank you for your work, tips, efforts and mainly for your patience. I too had some doubts and I just went through comments and I found the answers am looking for. You replied each and everyone with so much love, care and of course details. I liked how you cleared each and everyone’s doubt. So I just thought of taking some time to thank you❤️..
Take care.
That’s so sweet thank you!!