Healthy Food Instagram Accounts!

Healthy Food Instagram Accounts!

If you didn’t already know, I post healthy food and fitness related images on my nicsnutrition Instagram account almost daily, and love following people with a similar interest – although it’s not so good for my waist line when scrolling down my news feed in the evening.. all of the amazing images of food never fails to make me hungry!


With this in mind, here are 5 of my favourite healthy Instagram accounts.. I do hope you enjoy following these people as much as I do!


Alyssia featured on my YouTube channel last year (in a healthy ‘fruit salad’ collab!) and she posts the most amazing looking healthy treat recipes. She’s an american girl with a wicked sense of humour, great taste for recipes and amazing eye for food photography!


Mind over munch


Zanna is a newly qualified personal trainer and fellow northerner! We collaborated last summer on YouTube (check out our no bake protein truffle recipe!) and I can’t get enough of her healthy meal ideas and protein snacks!




Paul Bailey is a former body builder and now fellow dietitian and he takes the most fabulous looking pictures of food (he’s only just started his food Instagram account but you can check out his other amazing photographs [here]) .. He’s even helped me out with a few of my recipes too.. Healthy cheesecake or Kale crisps anyone?!




Pamela is a healthy food blogger who has recently gone from blonde to brunette. Despite me being biassed and loving her new hair colour, I can honestly say that her healthy snack pics and recipes are some of the best on Instagram!




Heather posts the most incredible healthy food porn images and videos that I’ve ever seen! She’s a young lass from Scotland and has a HUGE following already!! She even made my protein fudge recipe.. which makes me like her even more ;).




So now that I’ve shared my ‘foodie Instagram faves’ what are yours?! I am always up for following more!!


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