I love discovering new healthy products (as I’m sure you already know!) and this new product really is innovative. Introducing Everything But The Cow (EBTC) ‘dairy-free smoothie drinks’.
EBTC launched only last year (late summer 2013) and are unique in their combination of more than 20% real fruit and protein, with most protein based drinks (whether dairy or non dairy) using fruit flavourings to top up very small amounts (if any) of real fruit. They are significantly lower in sugars than fruit smoothies yet avoid the use of artificial sweeteners, or indeed, artificial ingredients of any kind – they are sweetened with just a touch of honey.
The drinks are designed to provide a:
- Healthy, light alternative to fruit smoothies.
- Natural, dairy free alternative to milkshakes.
- Fruity, refreshing alternative to protein drinks – most sport specific protein shakes have 20+g but EBTC is not designed to be a sports protein shake but a natural way of getting protein on the go for everybody, with each 330ml carton containing 6.6-7.3g protein.
The drinks provide just 122-182 calories and 2.6-4g of fibre per bottle and are dairy-free (they contain isolated soy protein), gluten-free and fat-free. The drinks have a balanced mix of carbs (21g-35g) and protein designed with a healthy, active lifestyle in mind – they really do make a perfect mid-meal or pre/post workout snack! The smoothies are made in beautiful Somerset by a new British company, and come in three fabulously fruity flavours; Mango & Orange, Strawberry & Raspberry, and Banana & Kiwi:
- What do the drinks taste like?
Well I loved them! And to say the drinks are dairy free, they have a lovely creamy texture, similar to a ‘skinny fruit milk shake’. They aren’t overly sweet (they are sweetened with a touch of honey) and don’t at all taste artificial.. perhaps because all of the ingredients are natural! The drinks, as you would expect, taste just like a fruit smoothie with mango and orange being my least favourite. The drinks are best served chilled but can be kept at room temperature unopened. They unfortunately didn’t pass the taste test of my ‘taste tester’, however only 50% of recipes/products on my blog ever do (!!). So do let me know if you have tried, or if you try these drinks – I would love to know what you think!
- Where can you buy them from?
The drinks are currently available from Ocado, Whole Foods Market, As Nature Intended, Harrods and many independent cafes, stores and delis.
**February/March 2014 Giveaway**
EBTC have been kind enough to offer you the chance to try the drinks for free in this giveaway.. I have a 8 bottles of each flavour to give to one lucky winner (so you’ll win 24 bottles in total!).
To enter this giveaway all you have to do is:
1) Leave a comment below telling me where/when you like to enjoy your smoothies – I like them for breakfast or as a pre-dinner snack!
2) Register your entry in the widget below!
3) For extra entries follow the instructions within the widget (optional)
This giveaway will stay open for 2 weeks (from Monday 24th February 2014 until Monday 10th March 2014) and the winner will be picked at random, using the widget the day after it closes. The winner’s name will be displayed within the widget and I will contact them directly to arrange delivery. Due to postal reasons this giveaway is open to UK residents only (so sorry!).
Thank you for your support & good luck!!
*This blog post has been produced in collaboration with EBTC. Samples of the product mentioned were supplied to me free of charge to try however this review is 100% honest and of my own opinion. I was not influenced in any way by the free samples/incentives supplied and do not promote this product more than other products that I have not reviewed. The products that I am giving away were supplied to me free of charge however I chose to do this giveaway based on the merits of the product itself (from a personal/professional point of view). I do not promote this product more than others that I am not giving away. This blog post contains an affiliate link. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.
I Like To Enjoy My Smoothies At Home In Front Of The T.V In The Evening It’s A Little Treat All For Me!
It would be interesting to try.
I enjoy smoothies mid afternoon, ever more so in the summer when you can sit out side with a chilled glass!
I love smoothies anytime of the day and anywhere, they are delicious
Have them at work as a breakfast replacement.
I like to enjoy mine as a snack 🙂
Following a run or a workout. The protein hit in these would be perfect!
Smoothies are great for on the go.. when you don’t have time to sit down and eat breakfast. Cheers for the great giveaway Nic.
I like them as a refresher between meals, or as an energy boost while you’re out and about and aren’t in a position to eat.
Anytime I feel like one!
I like to have my smoothies for breakfast on the go, and they always contain a frozen banana for extra creaminess 🙂
For brekkie and in bed.
I enjoy smoothies as my mid afternoon energy boost 🙂
Use them as a lunch replacement
I enjoy smoothies during summer months for a nice change at breakfast time
My Mid Afternoon treat and pick me up 🙂
I enjoy my smoothies always within an hour after working out to recover my muscles from the damage caused by free weights and also hiit exercises! Such a good source to also boost metabolism and continue weightloss 😉
I love to have a smoothie in the morning/mid-morning! In fact, I have one now – strawberry, banana, Greek yoghurt, honey and almond milk! Yummy 🙂
Thanks Nic! x
I enjoy smoothies with my breakfast
In the garden in summer!
Usually as a mid-afternoon snack!
In the kitchen at breakfast time
When I get home and before I make tea
As part of breakfast or an afternoon pick me up!
anytime, anywhere
In the summer on a hot day sitting in the shade
Great elevensee’s snack!
I have never tried anything like this before i think it would be a delightful experience
I like to enjoy smoothies anywhere/anytime. Favourite time has to be after work as a little snack before dinner, especially if it’s hot outside!
At my desk – it would be a lovely afternoon treat.
I enjoy mine after workouts as they combine a drink and a snack 🙂
I haven’t ha d anything like these in a while, as I’m GF and LF and also trying to stay away from any artificial sugar! These sound amazing though, would like to try them 🙂
Nice and early first thing before i go to work
I love them after a long walk – on a bench on the prom or in the park.
in the morning and pre work out 🙂
Brilliant comp Nic! I’m considering moving back to the UK just co I can participate in your giveaways 😉 x
Hehehe, aww sorry you can’t enter this time!! xx
Lunchtime, outside on the patio.
At home. At the weekend. In front of the tv on a wet saturday afternoon to recover from a mornings shopping!
Any time, any place…especially for breakfast. 🙂
I like smoothies in the summer with ice in, sat on a rug in my local park – so refreshing!
I like smoothies as a mid afternoon hit to counter the 4pm munchies!
I love a smoothie for breakfast, my current favourite is almond milk, banana, blueberries & kale
in front on the tv at home
I love a smoothie in the summer about mid afternoon to keep cravings for something sweet at bay. 🙂
I like to eat them at home
I’ve just loved my first ever nics nutrition pre work out strawberry & banana smoothie, roll on my hour of power master class..xx
Aw thank you!! Go for it!! x
I enjoy my smoothies best on holiday, sat on the beach as a afternoon treat in the sunshine! Also possible in the UK when the sun decides to show its face 😛
I like to enjoy smoothies as a 4am after work treat when I finish the night shift.
I love a smoothie as a delicious breakfast on the go!
I enjoy smoothies all day as a quick fix snack alternative when busy at work 🙂
in the bath
I like my smoothies frozen into ice lollies!!! Awesome summer dessert!! 😛
I like to enjoy my smoothies as an afternoon pick me up at my desk at work. If I can get away from my desk for a bit, even better!
Breakfast and after a workout. Even better dairy free 🙂
After swimming.
I love a smoothie after a morning run or dog walk… So refreshing and sets me up for the day!
I like to enjoy my scrumptious smoothies around mid-morning at work, it’s a perfect little break from my desk to stretch my legs and day dream about soaking up the sun and sipping pina colada’s poolside. A girl can dream 🙂 x
Hahaha, love that 🙂 x
I like to enjoy my smoothies after basketball practice 🙂
I love them in the mornings before a workout 😀
With breakfast 🙂
A mid morning snack is perfect on the go! Makes my morning better 🙂
I love mine after a morning work out when I’m a sweaty betty.. Replenish my temple 🙂
on the beach with my family. when it is a bit less windy!!
I like a smoothie after an early morning workout
I enjoy a smoothie especially in the mid afternoon, when I need to take a break from work
I.like them.for breakfast
i like a smoothie for breakfast or as a preworkout snack 😀
I like a smoothie in the morning, after a workout and before bed
I love a smoothie first thing in the morning before to kids wake up. Even better in the summer sat out in the garden ☀️☀️☀️
\I like smoothies at breakfast time
oooo love a smoothie anytime of day x
before bedtime! 😀
usually mid morning after my dog walks once everyone is in, cleaned, fed and watered I can have 10 minutes peace
In the morning at home.
Outside on a sunny summer’s day!
I like my shakes first thing in the morning before exercise.
I like smoothies for breakfast. The more filling the better. And not too sweet 🙂
Having just cut down on dairy dramatically I’d be really interested in trying these but sadly I’ve never seen them around!
I like to have smoothies for breakfast, sometimes before the gym or even as a snack during the day! I like to have it cold, with ice cubes if possible :). I enjoy trying out new flavours and sometimes even enjoy experimenting myself!
I like a post-breakfast walk and I don’t feel too sluggish if I’ve just had a smoothie, so my breakfast tends to be a banana, spinach and unsweetened almond milk smoothie with a tsp of stevia for extra sweetness 🙂
I like enjoying my smoothie while being in my front room with my eyes shut imagining I am on a beach with blue skys and pale green/blue sea. Then I open my eyes feel depressed and then take one swig and life is all good again.
I love mine after exercise or morning yumminess x
I love healthy smoothies straight after an early morning workout! 🙂
I enjoy having my smoothies either right before a workout, or after my workout with some added protein 🙂
Thank you for blogging and inspiring many to eat healthier and be happier 🙂
Aw thank you for your lovely comment 🙂 xx
After a long shift at work. Feet up -remote control in hand and a treat to recharge the old batteries x
A perfect way to complete a work out or zumba class
I love to start my morning off with a nice green smoothie! Did it this morning in fact!
I like to enjoy smoothies as a pre gym workout snack for extra energy! Go hard or go home……. 🙂
Defo for breakfast! I hate milk so can’t wait to try these they look great
I love my smoothies first thing in a morning! Natural energy kick!
After a workout is my fave time, smoothies always hit the spot then.
I like my smoothies on the go in my Alpro ‘keep me’ cup on the way to the gym!
Perfect breakfast especially in the go!
My after dinner treat 😀
With my breakfast
shaken and stirred in the morning
First thing in the morning as a lovely refreshing drink
We drink them mid afternoon, instead of a snack
relaxing in the garden – im lactose intolerant so am going to try these 🙂
either after a gym session, when water just doesn’t cut it – or when I have a super early morning start for rowing and can’t face eating anything!
After suffering from morning sickness for quite some weeks now, smoothies have been my life savour anytime of the day to get much needed nutrients into me without the thought of having to eat the fruit & veg itself which isn’t quite appealing at the moment
I enjoy my smoothie as a breakfast, as a very busy mum of 3 I don’t always get time for breakfast so grabbing one of these on the go is perfect 🙂
At breakfast time, preferably on the patio in the sunshine
These look really good! I like a dairy free alternative sometimes. I like to have smoothies for breakfast, it’s the best liquid on the go brekkie! xx
I enjoy a smoothie mainly for breakfast and especially after a work out or run as light on the tummy 🙂
I love a smoothie in the afternoon, to give me a boost.
I like a smoothie with a flapjack when I come in for a run, instant energy boost
I like them as a snack in my bag when out walking or driving around on work meetings!
On route to work 🙁
I’m on a mission to get my mother eating a better diet seeing as she’s knocking on a bit!!! So I make her a smoothie every morning before I leave for gym/work!
My favourite time for a smoothie is mid-afternoon. So refreshing and make for a perfect break
I love my smoothies pre or pot workout! Or if I am in a rush in the morning for breakfast 🙂
Whenever, wherever 🙂
Smoothies for breakfast!! These taste amazing!!
Post workout… Packed full of energy x
my daughter enjoys one as an after school treat
I love them after work!
It would have to be during tea break, always need something thats refreshing and good for me.
I’d have them for breakfast.
I enjoy smoothies with my breakfast
At home, anytime
I love a smoothie after my evening meal, especially in the summer!
After a busy rush at work theres nothing better than an ice cold smoothie mid afternoon, it goes down a treat! Even after a late workout, these are packed full of all the good stuff and even more perfect for the dairy free people like myself!! 🙂 It’d be great to see these out in more shops!
Whilst I am on the computer catching up with emails! It gives you a real boost!
Oooh definitely for a breakfast on the go!
I enjoy my smoothies with my blueberry peanut butter pancakes in the morning! 😀 Or after my post work meal as a treat (spinach, Banana & blueberry smoothies always a winner) 😉
p.s My mom really enjoyed your kale crisp
p.p.s I might actually like kale now xd
p.p.p.s I hope i win 🙂
Hahahahaha, good luck!!! and thank you 🙂 x
Smoothies are my go to breakfast when I don’t have time to eat at home!
energy boost while you’re out and about
I enjoy my smoothie after my morning work out it sets me up for the day!
And in the summer i enjoy having my iced smoothie out in the sun house ohhhh devine 🙂
Lunchtime usually
I enjoy smoothies for either breakfast or for a snack 🙂
mid morning filler before lunch
I’m always rushing out the door and never have time for breakfast, these would make an excellent replacement!!
For breakfast, generally a banana smoothie – starts the day off well 🙂
I like to have a smoothie before the gym
I love smoothies anytime of the day.
I love smoothies for breakfast and drinking them in the garden in the summer 🙂
I like to enjoy smoothies as a second breakfast to keep me going through the morning!
id probably enjoy it at my desk at work to treat myself to get through the day!! 🙂
At home, mid morning normally
I love smoothies mid morning – to quell the hunger until lunchtime, without any guilt.
I like to enjoy my smoothie right after an early morning workout 🙂 xx
I’d love to try these as I think I have a slight lactose intolerance, plus love a smoothie after a work out!
I love a banana, pb2, avacado, and spinach smoothie after a workout, or in the afternoon! It keeps me going! 🙂
Anywhere and anytime, love them 🙂
I like smoothies with breakfast, they really give you the boost you need until lunchtime.
when i have a walk down the beach
Mainly at breakfast, but sometimes when i have skipped a meal x
For a lovely weekend breakast!
I like to enjoy a smoothie in the morning with my little girl.
At breakfast after a run!
I like them for breakfast!
After exercising
I have a smoothie in the morning & in the evening too. I have them at home as they are best straight from the fridge 🙂
as a snack during the day
I like to have a smoothie in the morning for breakfast
For a breakfast replacement
As mid-morning pick-me-up, or after exercise
on my break at work – gives me the motivation to carry on 🙂
Occasionally, at home
great with breakfast
I love smoothies for a quick hit of vitamins, especially at work with my lunch 🙂
I like to have them for brekkie at home
I enjoy mine when the kids are packed off to school cuddled up on the couch before work!
A mid afternoon snack!! 🙂
I love a smoothie as my afternoon pick-me-up 🙂
I love a smoothie mid afternoon … give me an energy boost! 🙂
breakfast time – in my kitchen!
I enjoy them as a mid-morning snack. So satisfying, keeps me going until lunchtime 🙂
at work breaks- helps me refresh x
love a smoothie for brekkie
In the morning after my breakfast,
In the morning after breakfast.
When out and about
I like them as a mid morning snack 🙂 usually I am at home but I’m not fussy, especially when they come in a handy carton to pop in your bag!
i like a smoothie at the end of my night shift, helps me to sleep
I have mine as I’m starting to flag mid afternoon. It jsut pushes me along until hometime.
love smoothies for breakfast
I like to drink smoothies for breakfast and generally on the go.
You can’t beat a delicious breakfast smoothie! X
Outside in a cafe on a sunny sunday morning
I love to have my smoothies in the morning!
In-between my dietetics lectures! Simple & easy nutrition when you’re always on the go! 🙂 xx
mid morning when I’m feeling sluggish!
I love smoothies anytime!!
for me they are a morning thing
I love smothies but I just dont get the time to make them. I start work fairly early and would be great to try something that I can just take to work with me to help start the day! xx
afternoon drink with snacks
I am always rushing around in the mornings with kids and trying to get to work on time so I tend to just have breakfast drinks on the go. I think these would be a healthy alternative and also a great option for break. I don’t enjoy fruits as much but I love them in smoothies. It’ll keep me away from all the delicious looking cakes etc in the staff room! Xxx
In the morning when I wake up and always after a hard workout- perfect!!
either for breakfast or a mid morning snack
At home resting on the sofa reading a magazine.
In the morning in the car on my commute or I whack it into a cold thermos and enjoy at lunchtime!
Mostly for breakfast
After a work out x
Usually for breakfast.
Breakfast on the beach
I enjoy my smoothies mid morning,they give me an energy boost. Much better for me than sugary drinks!
in my campervan at the beach
Sitting in the sunshine, in my back garden – simple pleasures
after a bike ride
I would drink these as a post-gym pick me up!
I like smoothies especially when it’s warm weather with lots if ice around late morning time.
for Breakfast
first thing in the morning
I enjoy my smoothies while watching tv and spending time with my four pet rats 🙂
As a mid-morning boost at work
I enjoy smoothies in the summer – makes me feel very healthy 🙂