Ask a Dietitian.. Spray Oil, Snacking, IBS, Sugar & Diets!

Ask a Dietitian.. Spray Oil, Snacking, IBS, Sugar & Diets!

Hey guys! So this is part 2 of my Q&A video (I filmed part 1 a few weeks ago and you can see that here) .. I really hope you find it useful and you can see all of the topics talked about below!l Nic x
P.S Any more questions just leave them as a comment below 🙂



  • Topics asked about & discussed:

– My opinion on Frylight/Spray Oil
– Coffee & Under-active Thyroid
– Emotional Eating & Snacking
– Greek Yoghurt & Slow release Protein
– IBS Issues, check out my IBS video for more information
– Healthy eating whilst Travelling, check out this video for more information
– Sugar & Health
– Anti-inflammatory diet, read more about omega 3 here
– Peanut Butter
– Dairy Foods
– Slimming World & Weight Watchers
– Sources of Iron, read more here



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  1. Adele Verwey
    February 17, 2016 / 6:05 pm

    Hi Nic, I am 45 in July and for the past couple of years I’ve suffered from Hormonal Acne on the sides of my chin. I was just wondering if I should avoid certain foods and increase other foods. I’ve cut out milk as I’d heard this can irritate acne. I’m also taking vitamin B100 and evening primrose oil, drink plenty of water and cook healthy meals, and yet still I keep getting these horrible spots. I’m at my step daughters wedding in May and would hate to have a flare up for the day. Just a little advice from you would be helpful.
    Many thanks
    Adele x

    • February 18, 2016 / 9:22 pm

      Hello! Have you asked your doctor about it? Do you get enough sleep?

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