Hey guys! So here’s a healthy-fat-related nutrition blog post and video for you all about rapeseed oil. From what it is to how you can use it, I’ll be showing you the different types as well as discussing 3 delicious recipes that I personally love to make using it! I really hope you find the below information useful!
Rapeseed Oil Background
Rapeseed oil is both grown and bottled in Britain and it’s high in heart healthy, mono-unsaturated fats. Rapeseed oil also contains plant sterols as well as the antioxidant E which is helps to maintain healthy skin and eyes.
There’s two types of rapeseed oil, cold-pressed which has a delicate and nutty flavour and is great for salad dressings to to use in a dip, and refined which is often lighter in colour and has a higher smoke point. As it’s more heat stable, this is the oil that you want to be cooking with.
Recipes using Rapeseed Oil
Rapeseed oil is super versatile and as such you can use it in lots of different recipes. To give you some inspiration, here are 3 of my favourite ways of using it!
- 1) When Baking..
Rapeseed oil works really well in baking recipes, so whether it’s a cake or a loaf or my personal favourite is healthy peanut butter and chickpea cookies.
Ingredients: 1 x 400g can of chickpeas (240g when drained), 150g peanut butter, 2 tsp vanilla essence, 95g honey, 20ml (1.5 tbsp) rapeseed oil, 1 tsp baking powder, pinch salt & 100g dark chocolate chips.
Method: Pre-heat your oven to 175 degrees C. Drain the chickpeas well and add to a food processor. Blend until a paste forms before adding the rest of the ingredients apart from the chocolate chips. Blend together before stirring in the chocolate chips. Spray a tray lined with baking paper or baking foil with some rapeseed oil (to stop the cookies from sticking) before scooping out golf-ball sized amounts and popping on the tray, leaving space in-between so that they can expand. Bake for 12-15 minutes until golden. Enjoy!
Nutrition Stats (recipe makes 16 cookies): 142 Kcal, 13g carbs, 4g protein, 8g fat.
- 2) In a Stir-Fry..
You can use rapeseed oil in your favourite stir-fry dishes as a way of adding healthy fats to your meal, but as with all fats they should still be used in moderation as they’re high in calories. A general guide is to use around 1/2 to 1 tbsp of oil per person per meal.
Rapeseed oil is an excellent carrier of flavours and one of my favourite stir-fries is creamy smoked mackerel with oriental vegetables. The recipes uses broccoli, carrots, beansprouts and edamame beans, and to the vegetables I add smoked mackerel and cream cheese for a delicious light yet creamy taste. You can serve this stir fry with your favourite noodles or wholewheat spaghetti.
Ingredients: 2 tsp rapeseed oil. A stir-fry pack of your favourite vegetables (to save time chopping!) – I love an Edamame Bean stir fry with carrot. beansprouts, broccoli florets, cabbage and red onion, 2-3 smoked peppered mackerel fillets (minus the skin), 100g light cream cheese with onion and chives. Optional: a squeeze of lemon juice and chopped spring onion to serve as well as wholewheat spaghetti.
Method: Spray a large pan or wok with rapeseed oil and heat. Add your stir-fry vegetables and cook until soft (4-5 minutes). Skin and chop your mackerel fillets and add to the pan along with the cream cheese. Stir until mixed and serve with an optional squeeze of lemon and spring onion, with or without wholewheat spaghetti.
Nutrition Stats (recipe serves 2 people) without spaghetti: 489 kcal, 9g carbs, 29g protein, 37g fat (lots of healthy fats from the oily fish!).
- 3) For Roasting..
One of my favourite ways of eating vegetables is roasted; and to roast vegetables all I do is chop them up, spritz a baking try with rapeseed oil, add the veg and then give it a few more spritzes before adding some herbs. Roasted veg takes around 20 minutes (at 200 degrees C) in the oven and I personally love it on the top of a healthy tortilla pizza which you can make by using tortilla as the base, passata, vegetables and grated mozzarella.
I would also recommend serving your healthy pizza with a side salad drizzled with a little cold-pressed oil for a delicious taste!
How do you like to use rapeseed oil?! I have both types (regular and cold-pressed) in my cupboards and always you an oil spray bottle when cooking to help distribute the oil evenly!
*This blog post was written in collaboration with RapeseedOilBenefits.com however all words spoken are my own and are 100% honest/factually correct at the time of filming; I personally use rapeseed oil in cooking and in baking. I do not promote products featured over others that are not featured. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.
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