Skinny Chocolate Milk – Hot or Cold!

Skinny Chocolate Milk – Hot or Cold!

Who says that chocolate milk is just for kids?! This rich & indulgent chocolate drink is super tasty and you would never believe that it’s actually super healthy and low in calorie (and you can even make a SKINNIER version too!).


This drink tastes amazing either hot or cold and is perfect for adults and kids alike (although adding coffee makes it strictly adults only!!).



*To make a skinny verion replace 180ml of the milk with boiling water = just 20Kcal for the whole thing!



*If making the skinny version skip the blender bit & just add your boiling water to the cocoa and stevia before mixing well and adding a dash of almond milk to finish!


Chocolate Milk


P.S I always get asked what blender I have and it’s a Waring Pro Blender .. it’s fantastic and great if you make smoothies several times a week (it’s heavy duty!).


UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who sends me pictures of my recipes on Twitter & Facebook – here are a selection!!

Skinny Chocolate Milk


*This blog post contains an affiliate link. Please read my disclaimer page for more information and for my policy on using protein powders in recipes, gluten-free foods/baking and vegetarian/vegan recipes.

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