Coffee shops are everywhere, but what do you ask for if you are trying to ‘be healthy’?
Black tea has zero calories and black fresh filter coffee only 4 calories.. but what about the more interesting drinks (the one we go to coffee shops to buy!).. here are my top tips for having a delicious (yet healthy) hot drink..
- Skip the Cream – Cream is one of the most calorific foods around. Saying no to whipped cream can save you up to 100 calories and 10 grams of fat (the equivalent of a small chocolate bar).
- Ask for it to be Skinny – Asking for skimmed milk can save around 150 calories and 15 grams of fat. Some coffee shops automatically use full-fat milk so don’t be afraid to ask about a lighter option.
- Ask for Sugar-Free Syrups – These do exist.. Not it all coffee shops but in the main high-street ones they do. Each pump of syrup adds 20 calories and 5 grams of sugar (if they don’t have the sugar-free ones then ask for just one pump). My personal favourite is sugar-free hazelnut or vanilla syrup with hot skinny milk (delicious!)
- Sweeten the Calorie-Free way – If you prefer your drink sweeter then instead of adding sugar add sweeteners. This will save not only calories but also reduce the risks of dental caries.
- Share a Cake – If you can’t resist the temptation of treats on offer then why not share one? Sharing means you’ll only consume 1/2 the calories but won’t be missing out on taste & experience. So you can have your cake and eat it.. if you do however prefer to have a cake to yourself, read my 80:20 rule blog for damage limitation..!
.. Remember though, you don’t have to drink out to enjoy a super delicious coffee.. just check out my delicious Sugar-Free Iced Mocha recipe below!
What’s your favourite skinny coffee?!
Top image copyrighted & credited to Paul Bailey.