Delicious Alchemy – Gluten Free Baking & Breakfast Review

Delicious Alchemy – Gluten Free Baking & Breakfast Review

The other week was Coeliac awareness week (May 11th – 17th) and to celebrate it, the guys at Delicious Alchemy sent me some of their gluten free goodies to try – they sent me everything from gluten free porridge oats, muesli & rice flake porridge (my fave!) to baking mixes for gluten free bread, chocolate brownies and oaty cookies (YUM!).


Coeliac Disease affects around 1 in 100 people (however it is estimated that only 10-15% of people are diagnosed), and is a condition which means people can’t tolerate gluten, the protein found in grains such as wheat, rye and barley, as it damages the lining of their gut (small intestine). Some people with coeliac disease can also react to oats, because they are often produced in the same place as other gluten containing grains. To ensure oats are gluten free you must look for ‘gluten free’ on the label, which means that they are ‘uncontaminated’.

Following a gluten free lifestyle can often seem difficult, but there are plenty of naturally gluten-free foods such as fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, potatoes, rice and quinoa. Problems may however arise when it comes to breakfast and dessert – oats may be contaminated with gluten and most cereals and breads contain it too. Desserts or snacks such as cookies and brownies are also often based around wheat flour, which naturally contains gluten.


Delicious Alchemy Review

Delicious Alchemy Review

Delicious Alchemy Review


This is where Delicious Alchemy (created by Emma Killilea who suffers from coeliac disease) come in. They have  produced;

  • Gluten Free Oats – to make porridge with or to use in baking.
  • ‘Instant’ Porridge oat Pots – great for on the go (my sister loves these!)
  • A Fruit packed Muesli with Seeds – just gorgeous!!!
  • Rice Flake Porridge – something that I hadn’t tried before (but LOVE and will definitely be having again!).

The ingredients of the Rice Flake Porridge are 100% gluten-free rice flakes. All you have to do to make a delicious bowl of porridge, is to add 50g of the flakes to a bowl, with 200ml of milk and heat for 3 minutes in the microwave or on the hob. You then leave the bowl for 1-2 minutes to thicken before adding your chosen toppings (I chose frozen berries & cinnamon!).


Rice Flakes



All of the products, created by Emma and her team, are created to make gluten-free life simple, convenient and tasty. The baking mixes are both gluten AND dairy free and everything comes in the most beautiful packaging (a massive thumbs up for me as I like pretty cupboards!!).


White Bread


I had a go at baking the oaty cookies and the chocolate brownies and they were honestly delicious – to make them, all I had to do was pop the mix into a bowl and add some butter +/- eggs or water, mix and bake and they were done!!

Now, if you’re familiar with my blog & ethos then you will know that I promote the 80/20 rule – if you’re living your life 80% healthy then you can afford to indulge for the other 20%. Let’s call the oats, muesli and rice flakes the 80% part and the brownies and cookies the 20% – gluten free doesn’t mean ‘healthy’ it simply means free from gluten!!


Oaty Cookies

Chocolate Brownie


I really hope that you’ve found this blog post useful, especially if you are on the hunt for more gluten free options!! You can find buy the Delicious Alchemy range online (and can get 20% off with the code DA20%off) and can find out more and follow them on social media via the following links: Delicious Alchemy Twitter & Delicious Alchemy Facebook.



*This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Delicious Alchemy. All opinions are 100% mine.

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  1. June 6, 2015 / 5:23 pm

    I just found then brownie mix in my local co-op, you’re right they’re lovely. Off to use your discount code now, thank you 🙂

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