Low Carb, Intermittent Fasting & Personalised Diets
WHAT IS THE BEST DIET TO FOLLOW FOR WEIGHT LOSS? I recently attended a BRILLIANT dietetic study day on obesity and I thought I would share with you the most interesting points that I learnt;…
WHAT IS THE BEST DIET TO FOLLOW FOR WEIGHT LOSS? I recently attended a BRILLIANT dietetic study day on obesity and I thought I would share with you the most interesting points that I learnt;…
Hey guys! So here’s a healthy-fat-related nutrition blog post and video for you all about rapeseed oil. From what it is to how you can use it, I’ll be showing you the different types as…
With December just around the corner here are my top 5 ‘healthy stocking fillers’, all of which are under £25. I personally own all of the products listed below and they have either been bought…
The other week I gave a wellness talk to employees with the aim of inspiring healthier working days. My talk included what to do, as well as what not to do, on their lunch breaks…
Hey guys! So as you may or may not know I’m getting married next September (1 year to go, hurray!) and the other week I bought my wedding dress (I like to be organised!). Buying…