The Origins & Benefits of Green Tea – My Clipper Interview!

The Origins & Benefits of Green Tea – My Clipper Interview!

The other week I travelled down to Dorset to speak to Dan & James – the guys behind Clipper Green Tea! I love drinking Green Tea (as I’m sure you’ll know if you read this blog & watch my videos!) and I had so much fun filming this video interview for you.


I really hope you enjoy watching this video as much as I did filming it and learn something new! Do leave me a comment letting me know what your favourite Green Tea is.. mine is lemon, I have it every morning! Oh and scroll to the bottom of this post for the announcement of an AMAZING GIVEAWAY!!



Green tea is from the Camellia Sinensis, the same plant used to make black tea but the fermentation or oxidisation process is much more gentle. Not only does Green Tea taste delicious (I love the flavoured varieties!), it’s high in natural antioxidants and flavonoids which can protect the body and it’s a great virtually calorie-free way to stay hydrated.


Green Tea


The Clipper Green Tea range is all Fairtrade Certified.. something that I hadn’t given a great deal of thought to prior to the interview, but Dan and James explained to me that Fairtrade means working progressively; better prices for producers, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers in the developing world. They only work with producers who are striving to improve standards of welfare for workers and their families.


Through Fairtrade, Clipper support tea producers and surrounding communities, by paying a fair price for their tea, as well as a Fairtrade premium which can be invested back into the business or community. This premium is often spent on improving local infrastructure and supporting community projects, such as roads, schools and medical resources.


Clipper FairTrade


One of the things that makes Clipper different from other tea brands is that they use unbleached bags, and have done for a very long time. Bleaching tea bag paper to a bright white is just one extra, unnecessary process, and makes no difference to the final taste. I wasn’t even aware of the colour difference until Dan & James mentioned it to me – and I actually prefer the slightly darker coloured bags as I think it looks more natural!


Green Tea Lemon


I really do feel so lucky to have been given the chance to interview Dan and James from Clipper – and at least I now know how to make the perfect cup at home (watch the video to hear what they say about that!!). Thank you for watching/reading and do let me know what your favourite flavour of Green Tea is.. or if you’re ‘hardcore’ and only drink the plain ;).


Nic x


Green Tea





May 2015 Twitter Giveaway!!



Clipper prize


Ok so listen up if you love Green Tea as much as me… to celebrate the new Clipper Tea advert airing on TV (8.25pm on Monday 4th May on Channel 4, just before Food Unwrapped!!), the guys at Clipper are giving me a YEAR’S WORTH OF GREEN TEA plus a CLIPPER KEEP CUP (to drink them all from!!) to giveaway!!


To enter the competition all you have to do is Tweet the following (& fill in the gap!!) between 8pm & 9pm on Monday 4th May:


“I’ve entered the #unbleachedbags @nicsnutrition giveaway to win a YEAR’S WORTH OF @ClipperTeas GREEN TEA & my fave flavour is __________”


At 9pm I will pick one winner at random (by scrolling my ‘@ mentions’ and selecting a name) and will contact you to find out your address. Due to postal reasons this giveaway is only open to UK residents (sorry – it’s a HUGE box!!). The winner’s twitter handle will be announced below shortly after.


Thank you and GOOD LUCK!!!



UPDATE: A massive thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway – there were so many entries I lost count!!! The lucky winner was @JemmaSmith1 .. enjoy your tea!!!

P.S her favourite was the pear & honey!!



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  1. Marian collins
    April 1, 2018 / 7:06 am

    Hello just wondering does clippers defcafe green help with weight loss

    • April 28, 2018 / 1:05 pm

      Only if you’re in a caloric deficit with your food and activity levels.

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