MaxiNutrition Protein Milk Review

MaxiNutrition Protein Milk Review

Protein is an important building block in the body, and if you’re working out then you’re protein needs will be increased. This is because exercise increases protein turn-over, i.e. the rate at which your body breaks down protein (catabolism) and rebuilds it (protein synthesis). Protein requirements range from 0.8-2g/Kg of body weight a day, with the higher amounts applying to those who are strength training and trying to gain muscle mass. You should aim to take onboard at least 20g of protein after a workout e.g. 75g chicken breast/beef, 1/2 tin tuna/salmon, 100g turkey, 150g cottage cheese, a pint of milk, 1 cup (250ml) of Greek yoghurt/lentils/chickpeas or 3 eggs.


Failure to meet your daily protein needs will result in protein (muscle) loss, even if you are working out. Muscle loss can also occur if you’re trying to lose weight and do not take on board a sufficient amount of protein. A recent study actually showed that individuals needed twice the recommended daily intake of protein to prevent muscle loss whilst losing weight/eating an energy deficit diet i.e. 1.6g of protein per Kg of body weight a day. To find out how many calories you need to lose weight check out my Metabolism Calculator.


Protein has added benefits of lowering GI (glyceamic index), which slows down the rate at which energy (glucose) is released into the blood stream and it increases satiety (keeping you fuller for longer). Protein also helps to keep your immune system strong – an inadequate protein intake can lead to the depletion of immune cells and the inability of the body to make antibodies (which fight infection).




MaxiNutrition Protein Milk is a relatively new product to the ‘protein market’ and is designed to be a ‘protein top up’. I was sent some samples the other week and was really impressed, which is why I decided to review it and share my thoughts!

MaxiNutrition’s Protein Milk is a ready to drink protein milk (i.e. it requires no mixing of any powder!) and it contains just 135 calories and provides 20g of protein per 250ml bottle. It is naturally fat free and has no added sugar, providing a tasty milk drink (and a great snack!) on the go. A 250ml bottle provides 12g carbohydrate (mainly lactose – milk sugar, which is low GI meaning the energy is released slowly) and virtually no sodium. Fibre levels are trace or 1.2g per bottle depending on the flavour. The Protein Milk is available in two flavours, strawberry and chocolate, and I really couldn’t pick my favourite (ok, maybe chocolate!).. yum 🙂


MaxiNutrition Chocolate


When I look at a product I mainly look at two things, 1) the ingredients and 2) the calories. Calories are the key to weight loss, maintenance and gain (no matter what the macronutrients), and the ingredients are the key to health (i.e. if sugar is the first ingredient it’s best to leave the product on the shelf as it’s likely to be low in nutrients and will rot your teeth too!).

The ingredients list of the Protein Milk is pretty short, which is a good thing!

  • Skimmed milk
  • Milk protein (5%)
  • Fat reduced cocoa (chocolate variety) or flavouring (strawberry)
  • Stabiliser & sweetener (sucralose)


Strawberry MaxiNutrition Milk


In my opinion, this Protein Milk is a great, low calorie and low volume way of helping you to achieve your daily protein needs, and a bottle makes a super tasty and healthy snack for ‘on the go’ or in-between meals. Groups of people who may benefit from this product include those who want a convenient, low calorie and tasty protein snack as they can’t meet their daily protein needs through food alone, people who are starting to workout and want to meet their increased daily protein demands in a low volume & low calorie way, and people who have undergone bariatric surgery – protein needs are typically around 60-70g a day following bypass surgery, which can be difficult to consume, especially with a smaller stomach! OR you may just be like me and want a filling protein drink that helps to keep you away from the biscuit tin (!).



P.S If you’re after a higher protein ready-to-drink shake then check out MaxiMuscle’s 330ml Protein Milk which provides 30g protein in under 200 calories!



*Samples of the product mentioned were supplied to me free of charge however this review is 100% honest and of my own opinion. I was not influenced in any way by the free samples supplied and do not promote this product more than other products that I have not reviewed. This blog post contains an affiliate link. Please read my disclaimer page for more information, as well as for my over all view on protein powders/shakes.


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  1. Kara Allen
    November 8, 2013 / 12:50 am

    Although I agree that protein is an undoubtably important part of diet but I feel like a product like this would be more useful during recovery rather than something to drink before or during exercise as you suggested. It has been seen that protein does not improve athletic performance in terms of endurance or for bone loading sports such as weight lifting. Because we pull energy from carbohydrates during exercise rather than protein. I see that you included the carbohydrate content of this beverage which is good because carbohydrates enhance protein absorbtion in the muscle during times of recovery.

    • November 8, 2013 / 8:14 am

      Hi Kara, thanks for your comment! This product is designed as a protein top up. For amino acid uptake you need insulin which yes is stimulated by the intake of carbs however this would be maximised by taking a whey protein shake plus dextrose (as I say in my protein videos). This product isn’t a recovery drink per se, as the carbs aren’t really high enough (and they are low GI carbs) but it would contribute to muscle recovery if taken after a work-out, followed by a carb plus protein meal. I wouldn’t recommend this drink (as you say I say!) immediately before or during exercise as it could cause GI upset. Do check out my video on what to eat and drink before, during and after exercise for more! Thanks for your comment! Nic x

  2. Augusta
    January 25, 2015 / 12:26 am


    I decided to use this because I’m trying to exercise more and add more protein to my diet. I don’t know if it’s one of those scare stories (in fact, quite a few sources claimed this), but this protein milk contains sucralose. Do you know if it has any harmful side effects, if any? I’m wary of these kind of drinks, but I can understand how useful they are to your body. I do look forward to drinking this (I’ve never tried these drinks before, which is the main reason I’m quite ambivalent about them at the moment), but I hope I’m not ingesting what could be worse than sucrose itself.

    I’m simply curious.

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