We often over indulge over the winter period and may not eat as healthily as we would like or get as much sleep as we may need. This can put our body under strain and…
First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! And second of all, if you’ve bought the latest edition of ‘Superfood Magazine’ then you will have seen my article all about DETOX, but just in case you haven’t here…
With the New Year rapidly approaching, you’re bound to be thinking about your New Year’s Resolution(s). Mine, is to become more productive by listening to my body i.e. getting ample rest and sticking to a…
Hello! So I hope you all had a great Christmas and that you are looking forward to the New Year (I know I certainly am!). This blog post is all about your 2016 New…
With Christmas celebrations in full swing I want to touch briefly on alcohol – I mention it quite frequently on social media but only once a year on my blog it seems! Last year I…