Healthy Pumpkin Spice Tea or Coffee Latte!

Healthy Pumpkin Spice Tea or Coffee Latte!

Seeing those ‘red cups’ really reminds me of Christmas BUT for some reason I’m never a big fan of coffee shop bought pumpkin spice lattes. I was really disappointed with the last one I ordered (over a year ago now!) and I was even more disappointed when I saw the ingredients list which contained no real pumpkin (just pumpkin-flavoured syrup!).

My disappointing coffee shop trip got me thinking, and seen as though I’m not actually that mad on coffee anyway, I wanted to create a home-made recipe that was made with REAL pumpkin AND could be made with either tea OR coffee.

On the calorie front, a tall, nonfat milk with whipped cream pumpkin latte will set you back 260 calories from a coffee shop .. over twice the amount than the recipe below, and I don’t know about you but I much rather have a lower calorie beverage with something to eat rather than drink all of my calories! By the way, the nutrition stats shown are for when this recipe is made with skimmed milk WITH the cream :).

So if you would like to re-create a delicious yet healthy version of the famous ‘pumpkin spice latte’ then carry on reading (and do check out the note underneath the ingredients list for more information!)

Healthy pumpkin latte


  • 250-300ml milk (any kind)
  • 1-2 tbsp pumpkin puree
  • 1 tsp pumpkin spice
  • 1/2 tbsp sugar alternative
  • 1 spicy chai tea bag or 1 tsp coffee
  • optional; light squirty cream

*Recipe notes:

I used soya milk in this recipe but I’ve used almond milk before as well as skimmed & semi-skimmed milk.

You can buy pumpkin puree from Waitrose.

I made my own pumpkin spice using [this recipe] – I used tbsp measures instead of tsp though to make a larger quantity!

I used Sukrin sugar alternative (I’ve used the white & brown sweetener from them before!).

I love the Spicy Chai tea bags from Twinings!

I used anchor light squirty cream.

Healthy pumpkin latte


  1. Heat the milk, pumpkin puree, pumpkin spice & sugar alternative in a pan over a medium heat & stir until warmed.
  2. Add the tea bag if using & let is steep on a low heat for 3-5 minutes before discarding. If using coffee dissolve 1 tsp in a small amount of boiling water before adding to the milk & stirring well.
  3. Froth up your mixture (I used a milk foamer for this but you could also add the mixture into a blender!), pour into your favourite mug, top with light cream (optional!) & a sprinkle of cinnamon & enjoy!

*You can buy milk frothers from Amazon.

Pumpkin Latte

Pumpkin Latte

Healthy pumpkin latte

Do let me know if you make this recipe – I would love to see your creations!!

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