Oomf! Bench Pressed Oats Review

Oomf! Bench Pressed Oats Review

Oomf Bench Pressed Oats are a whey protein porridge which can be enjoyed either for breakfast or before a strength work-out (providing a steady release of energy and easy to absorb protein for muscle uptake). They are ideal for people who are looking to increase their protein intake and you can find out exactly how much protein YOU should be aiming for by watching my videos on protein.

So, what’s in them? Lets take my favourite flavour (apple, sultana and cinnamon)..

The ingredients are (main ingredients first):

  • Oat Flakes: A whole-grain carbohydrate (source of energy) packed with soluble fibre and beta glucan to reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Skimmed Milk Powder: A low fat source of protein (keeping us fuller for longer) and calcium (for healthy bones and teeth).
  • Whey Protein Concentrate (15%): High quality, readily digested complete protein, which means that it contains all of the essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) that the body can’t make for growth and repair.
  • Xylitol: Natural sweetener (less calories than sugar and promotes healthy teeth too).
  • Sultanas (6%) & Chopped Apple (3%): An antioxidant packed source of fibre, vitamins and minerals (tasty too!).
  • Cinnamon Powder (<1%): For natural flavour (and cinnamon has also been shown to stabilise blood sugar levels).


The pots are also low in sodium (salt) and free from artificial flavours – sounds good to me!

Per pot they contain (flavour dependent):

~290 calories (kcal), ~43g carbohydrate, ~20g protein, 3g fat and ~5g fibre.

There’s two different types of Oomf! oats available (you can buy them from Amazon!):

  • Instant Oats (just add hot water into the pot), perfect for ‘on the go’
  • Breakfast Oats (add milk and heat up), perfect for a more leisurely morning!

Oomf Oats

If you’re looking to increase your protein intake/muscle mass then these oats may well be worth investing in however remember that you will NOT increase your muscle mass by eating alone – it’s training that does that (the hard part!). I hope you’ve enjoyed this product review – if you’re looking for more info about protein and healthy recipes using protein powder then check out my recipes!

*Samples of the product mentioned were supplied to me free of charge however this review is 100% honest and of my own opinion. I was not influenced in any way by the free samples supplied and do not promote this product more than other products that I have not reviewed. This blog post contains affiliate links. Please read my disclaimer page for more information


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  1. Pauline lyttle
    December 8, 2015 / 11:02 pm

    Is this high protein porridge suitable for elderly non active people?

    • December 9, 2015 / 5:32 pm

      Hello! I suppose it depends on the rest of your diet and overall health! I can’t be specific about advice on my blog unfortunately as I don’t know the situation. You could ask to speak to a dietitian via your GP 🙂 x

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